James Walls interviews Louis Gottlieb, the founder of Morning Star Ranch, May 21, 1970. View in our Digital Collection.
[Louis] Gottlieb, a Berkeley Ph.D. in musicology who made money in the 1950s and early ‘60s first as leader of a folk group called The Gateway Singers and later with the popular Limeliters, emerged as the guru for what he called ‘technological unemployables.’ Bummed out by the alienation of the ‘60s, Gottlieb went from the performance stages of SF’s hungry i and Purple Onion and the Ash Grove of LA to a ranch retreat he had owned since 1962. He invited all comers. Everyone would be welcome. No charge.
— LeBaron, Gaye. “Morning Star Memories: Gottlieb's Hippie Heaven.” Santa Rosa Press Democrat, June 29, 1986.