Our spring exhibit in the Library Gallery is A Legacy of Generosity: The Edward C. Boyle Scholarship and the Work of Jill AnnieMargaret and Frank Ryan, featuring the art of two Sonoma State alumni who had Boyle scholarships to study art in Florence and Paris and went on to become successful working artists. Jill AnnieMargaret has a B.F.A. from SSU and M.F.A. from CSU Long Beach and is associate professor of printmaking at Boise State University. Frank Ryan received his B.F.A. from SSU and his M.F.A. from UCLA; he works and exhibits in Los Angeles. The exhibit opened January 6 and is on display through Friday, August 5.
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Information/Check-Out Desk
Mon.-Thurs. 7:30am - 7:00pm
Fri. 7:30am - 5:00pm
Sat. Closed
Sun. 12:00pm - 7:00pm