What is your favorite book, eBook, DVD, or music score?
I am very grateful for the Third Floor Stacks music section. It contained many valuable resources regarding any music materials I needed.
Why did you choose this item to share with the library?
I remember how helpful the books were for my essay I wrote about Beethoven.
What is your major?
I am a Music Liberal Arts Major.
What was the most memorable/useful thing about working in the library?
The most useful thing about working in the library is the access and knowledge to on campus resources for students. I felt more engaged by learning about the resources within the library and utilizing them.
What advice would you give to incoming SSU students?
My advice for Freshman would be to practice putting themselves in as many situations outside of their comfort zone as possible. One can learn greatly about themselves in that manner.
What is next for you?
I will be going to my hometown in the LA valley looking for work regarding scoring for visual media. Hopefully, things open soon. I am very grateful for the hard-working team in the library.