The Library is committed to providing services and resources to all students, faculty, and staff of Sonoma State University, regardless of where you are. The Library provides online access to databases, over full-text journals, over e-books and streaming media. We also offer online research help services, and tutorials to help you through the research process.
Accessing library resources
To access the library’s electronic resources off-campus, you will need valid Seawolf credentials.
Search the library’s resources from the library’s homepage and enter your Seawolf ID and password when prompted. You will have access to full-text materials including books, articles, and media.
If you don’t have valid Seawolf credentials, contact SSU’s Information Technology Help Desk.
To learn more about how to find online resources particular to your research, consult the library’s guides to research or contact a librarian.
Borrowing from other libraries
Interlibrary Loan allows you to borrow articles and book chapters from other libraries. Create an account using your Seawolf ID and password, log in, and submit your request. Items from Interlibrary Loan will be delivered via email.
Meeting with a Librarian
At any stage in your research, librarians are available for general or in-depth research assistance. This could mean identifying a topic or research question, gathering primary sources for your thesis, or just talking through your research process with an expert. There are many ways you can consult with a librarian:
Make an appointment
Librarians are available to meet with you online for resource or research questions. Schedule an appointment with a librarian today!
Send us an email
Send us your questions via email using our online form or email your subject librarian directly.
24/7 Chat
Chat with a librarian or library assistant from around the world.