You can place Library materials or your own materials on Reserve. Please allow three business days to process your Reserve item(s). Please don't assign Reserve items before the Library has had time to process them.
We will remove all materials from Reserve at the end of the specified term, and return personal copies to you.
In order to comply with copyright restrictions, which state "Reserve readings are meant to supplement course text materials, not replace them," we may need to limit the number of items placed on Reserve or restrict inclusion of material.
If you'd like to place a student papers on Reserve, you must get written permission from the student before posting. Please use our Student Consent Form If you would like the Library to purchase an item to be placed on reserve, please use our Suggest a Purchase form.
To place materials on Reserve:
- Fill out the form below. If you have more than 5 items, you will need to submit another form.
- Bring all books, articles, and media to the Information/Check-Out Desk. If you are putting Library materials on Reserve, Library staff will retrieve the materials for you. You must include a call number for any Library materials.
- Copies of articles will be placed in packets titled Readings and given the course name and number (e.g., SOCI 301: Readings).
- Up to three copies of each article will be placed in folders with the same call number.
- Please be sure to bring in all the copies you'd like on Reserve.
- Keep back-up copies of all articles.
- You can decide on the loan period for Reserve items. Consider the number of students who will need to access the material. For larger classes, you might consider a shorter loan period. If an item is already on Reserve by another instructor, you must use the already established loan period.
- Print items can be loaned for 2 hours or 1 day.
- Media items can be loaned for 4 hours or 1 day.