One of the unique features of the Jean and Charles Schulz Information Center is the Automated Retrieval System. The retrieval system provides quick access to a three-story, computer-managed storage system with a capacity for 750,000 items located within the library building.
What is kept in the retrieval system?
The retrieval system is where we keep archived journals, theses, and less-used items. It allows us to keep less-used items in the building and accessible, while leaving room for more current and heavily used materials on the open shelves.
How are materials retrieved?
If the item you want is located in the Automated Retrieval System, you'll need to request it by clicking the Click to Request button in the catalog record.
Once a request is made, an automatic crane locates the requested item and delivers it to a pick-up station.
At the pick-up station, a person places the book into a carrier, which delivers the item to the Information/Check-Out Desk on the second floor.
The entire process takes about 15 minutes and can be seen from several viewing windows located on the third floor of the library.
What are the advantages of an ARS?
- Maximum Flexibility. By incorporating the retrieval system into the building design, the library achieves the maximum capability to house, protect, and access library materials well into the future.
- Greater Holding Capability. While much of the library collection will be on open shelving, the retrieval system accommodates an additional 750,000 volumes onsite.
- Earthquake Safety. The retrieval system was designed to exceed standard earthquake building standards.
- Expansion. The retrieval system is designed with advanced technological capabilities that can be upgraded and expanded.
- Cost savings. The retrieval system eliminates the need and cost for offsite storage facilities.
Who makes the system and who else is using it?
The Automated Retrieval System at SSU was manufactured by HK Systems of Salt Lake City, Utah.
Other libraries using this system include