Title | Author | Date Published | Page | Photo | Subject | Decade | Title of Publication |
Time to apply for scholarship is NOW | Johnson, Benet | 1/28/1991 | 6 | No | Scholarships | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Wanted Creative Minds | Grande, Debra | 1/28/1991 | 13 | No | Associated Student Productions (ASP) | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
65 Years of celebration | Johnson, Benet | 1/28/1991 | 8,9 | Yes | Black History Month | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Upset Escapes Cossacks ---Barely | Early, Ed | 1/28/1991 | !4,15 | Yes | Women’s Basketball | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King | Enea, JoAnna | 1/28/1991 | 10 | No | King , Martin Luther, Jr. | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
American College Theatre Festival comes to SSU | Harp, Dustin | 1/28/1991 | 11 | No | Performing Arts Center | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Art celebrates cultural history | Bailey, Judy | 1/28/1991 | 13 | No | Cultural Art History | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
SSU Sinks deeper and deeper | Early, Ed | 1/28/1991 | 14,15 | Yes | Boyle, Matt, Men's Basketball | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Stratford predicts turmoil, protest on campus | Johnson, Benet | 1/28/1991 | 1,16 | No | Stratford, Steven, Protests | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Women’s center shaky? | Hopping, Deborah | 1/28/1991 | 1,16 | No | Women's Resource Center, Women | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Get involved in campus activities | Bailey, Judy | 1/28/1991 | 1,16 | No | committees | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Take Rubin home with you? | Johnson, Benet | 1/28/1991 | 1,16 | Yes | STAR , cartoonist | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Cease fire! End the war at home | Johnson, Benet | 1/28/1991 | 2 | No | War, Emotions, Persian Gulf | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Why we must have Unconditional surrender | Madjd-Sadjadi, Zagros | 1/28/1991 | 3 | NATO | 1990 | Sonoma State Star | |
Coach Suffers Heart Attack | Early, Ed | 1/28/1991 | 1 | No | Walker, Dick , Coaches | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Student population trends at SSU | Kashack, Susan | 1/28/1991 | 4 | No | student population | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Under new Management | Star Staff | 1/28/1991 | 2 | No | STAR, Student newspaper, Management | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Women, Minority hirings increase | Kashack, Susan | 1/28/1991 | 4 | No | Minority women, Women Faculty | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Student Response to previous Commentary [Letters to the Editor] | Hughes, LaRahna | 1/28/1991 | 2 | No | Racism | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Verbal Assault is not rape [letter to the editor] | Bryant, Patricia | 1/28/1991 | 4,5 | No | Verbal assaults | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
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Student Newspaper Index
Over the years, the Sonoma State University's student newspaper has taken many names, seen countless editors and writers, but has always chronicled the important issues and events of the University. The University Archives has indexed the student newspapers. Search here to find articles by titles, subject, or author from any of the iterations of the student newspaper.
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