Student Newspaper Index

Over the years, the Sonoma State University's student newspaper has taken many names, seen countless editors and writers, but has always chronicled the important issues and events of the University. The University Archives has indexed the student newspapers. Search here to find articles by titles, subject, or author from any of the iterations of the student newspaper.

To get access to the articles you find, search the Student Newspaper Digital Collection or contact the Library's Special Collections department.

Title Author Date Published Page Photo Subject Decade Title of Publication
Tears and smiles at registration Hicks, Jay 1/9/1992 4 Yes Registration 1990 Sonoma State Star
Media attention turns to SSU 10.13.1994 1 Yes Media 1990 Sonoma State Star
President announces retirement 10/01/1973 1,6 Yes McGrath, Thomas H., Retirement announcement 1970 Sonoman
Faculty prepare for possible strike Weckerly, Grant 10/01/2011 1,4 Yes Faculty strike, Contract negotiations - negotiations for a fair contract, California Faculty Association (CFA) 2010 Sonoma State Star
No. 20 Sonoma State snatches two road wins Hanley, Jay 10/01/2012 12 Yes Women’s soccer team 2010 Sonoma State Star
Green Music Center comes to life Gray, Natalie 10/01/2012 1,6 Yes Green Music Center Grand Opening events, Lang, Lang, Krauss, Alison 2010 Sonoma State Star
Prop 30 vs. Prop 38: Know the difference McDonagh, Katie 10/01/2012 1,10 Yes Brown, Governor Jerry, Proposition 30, Proposition 38, Munger, Molly 2010 Sonoma State Star
Hazing awareness at SSU Gascoigne, Kayli 10/01/2012 1,5 Yes National Hazing Prevention Week, Fraternities, Anti-hazing oath 2010 Sonoma State Star
Future teacher enrollment is declining in California Richmeier, Micaelyn 10/01/2012 1,10 Yes Decline in number of California teachers, Curriculum restructurization 2010 Sonoma State Star
Pretty on the outside [Editorial] 10/01/2012 2 No Green Music Center opening ceremonies 2010 Sonoma State Star
Support Prop 30 [Letters to the Editor] Young, Marly 10/01/2012 2 No Proposition 30 2010 Sonoma State Star
What happened to the STAR? [Letters to the Editor] Hampton, Mark M. 10/01/2012 2 No Quality of the STAR newspaper 2010 Sonoma State Star
The social network takeover [Letters to the Editor] Millard, Kellie 10/01/2012 2 No Dependency on social networking 2010 Sonoma State Star
Don’t tell me how to vote [Opinion] Parreira, Stephanie 10/01/2012 3 No Church’s approach to American politics 2010 Sonoma State Star
Freshman Problems [Opinion] Waller, Ally 10/01/2012 3 Yes Freshmen behavior and stereotypes, Suggestions for freshmen 2010 Sonoma State Star
Don’t get creeped out easily if you want to meet people [Opinion] Mazwell, Alexander 10/01/2012 3 Yes Etiquette for making new friends 2010 Sonoma State Star
Jill Stein, also in the running for president Dickinson, Taylor 10/01/2012 5 Yes Stein, Jill, Green New Deal 2010 Sonoma State Star
Event encourages voter registration Millman, Taylor 10/01/2012 8 Yes Maloney, Patrick, Associated Students, Presidential election, You Only Vote Once (YOVO) 2010 Sonoma State Star
Associated Students wants you to vote Lopez, Shyanne 10/01/2012 10 Yes Associated Students, Voter registration, Presidential election 2010 Sonoma State Star
Student Engagement initiative reorganizes programs McDonagh, Katie 10/01/2013 1, 5 Yes Student Entrepreneurial Activities, Markley, Neil, Improvement of campus life and spirit 2010 Sonoma State Star
