Title | Author | Date Published | Page | Photo | Subject | Decade | Title of Publication |
SSU has a partner for concert hall project | Hickman, Chantill | 10/20/1998 | 15 | Yes | Development, Construction | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Stage 1, bigger and better than ever | Anelli, Kris | 10/20/1998 | 16 | No | Theatre Arts | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
CSU Chancellor to visit SSU; Reed scheduled to meet with faculty, staff and students to address campus concerns | Puccio, Cara | 10/20/1998 | 19 | No | Reed, Charles, Chancellor | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Women’s soccer ranked #3 in the nation | Miller, Jeff | 10/20/1998 | 1 | Yes | Women’s soccer | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Get well George; we miss you | Editorial | 10/20/1998 | 3 | No | Student Life | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Hope for alcoholism | Warner, Beth | 10/20/1998 | 3 | No | Alcohol Awareness Week | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Facebook obsession out of control [Opinion] | Wyles, Mylo | 10/20/2009 | 3 | No | Facebook, Communication | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Clubs catch the spirit fever: Flashmobbers unite | Davis, Kiki | 10/20/2009 | 7 | No | Homecoming week, Associated Student Productions, School spirit | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Alumni Association celebrates legacies | Bekdache, Zeina | 10/20/2009 | 7 | No | Alumni Association, Awards reception, Distinguished Alumni Awards Reception | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Student employees feel the wrath of the budget crisis | Rothe, Sarah | 10/20/2009 | 10 | Yes | Furloughs, Student assistants, Professional staff supervision | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Governor vetoes bills aimed at university reform | Drew, Aimee | 10/20/2009 | 10 | No | Public Records Act | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Hutchins Program Celebrates 40 years | Partmann, Jack | 10/20/2009 | 6 | No | Hutchins School of Liberal Studies program, Vazquez, Francisco | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
“Smart Classrooms” cause problems for faculty | Pohlman, Sara | 10/20/2009 | 1, 4 | Yes | Smart Classrooms, Faculty training, Facilities Management, Information Technology | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Tailgate party and “kick-off” jump start school spirit | Stauffacher, Mira | 10/20/2009 | 6 | Yes | Homecoming, School spirit | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Parent Weekend brings families together | Ginter, Andrew | 10/20/2009 | 6 | No | New Students and Orientation and Family Programs | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Midnight Madness Brings It Home | Yarbough, Ashley | 10/20/2009 | 7 | Yes | Homecoming, Basketball, Midnight Madness | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Administration and Finance raises suspicions | Hambre, Nick | 10/20/2009 | 1, 5 | No | Administration and Finance, Hiring practices, Center for Student Leadership and Involvement | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Students and faculty denounce enrollment cuts | Osborne, Kimmie | 10/20/2009 | 1, 5 | Yes | California Faculty Association (CFA), Students for Quality Education, Budget cuts | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Legal action taken against educational website | McGill, Brendan | 10/20/2009 | 1, 5 | No | Educational website, Unauthorized distribution, Upload requirement, For profit | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
We’re only deceiving ourselves: The decency of education is threatened by Academic websites created to enlighten students to do better in school [Editorial] | [Editorial] | 10/20/2009 | 2 | No | Internet, Helpful websites, Cheating, Coursehero.com | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
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Student Newspaper Index
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