Student Newspaper Index

Over the years, the Sonoma State University's student newspaper has taken many names, seen countless editors and writers, but has always chronicled the important issues and events of the University. The University Archives has indexed the student newspapers. Search here to find articles by titles, subject, or author from any of the iterations of the student newspaper.

To get access to the articles you find, search the Student Newspaper Digital Collection or contact the Library's Special Collections department.

Title Author Date Published Page Photo Subject Decade Title of Publication
WAC recruiter to speak Nov. 13 10/22/1963 1 Yes Military recruiting, , 1960 Cossack Steppes
Sex topic for first colloquium 10/22/1963 1 Yes lecture, sex, 1960 Cossack Steppes
Over and over and over again; the abc is formed 10/22/1965 1 Yes Athletics Board, Elections, 1960 Sonoma State Steppes
Dr. Marks named director 10/22/1965 1 Yes Marks, Alvin, Dr, Director,, 1960 Sonoma State Steppes
Civil rights pannel at jc 10/22/1965 3 No athletics, , 1960 Sonoma State Steppes
Arsenic and old lace 10/22/1965 4 Yes film society, , 1960 Sonoma State Steppes
Some work study aid still open 10/22/1965 4 No work study, , 1960 Sonoma State Steppes
International club formed 10/22/1965 4 No international club, , 1960 Sonoma State Steppes
Student health insurance 10/22/1965 4 No student health, , 1960 Sonoma State Steppes
Beard? Why a beard? 10/22/1965 5 Yes Behind the beard, Increasing incidence, 1960 Sonoma State Steppes
JLH selects new officers 10/22/1965 5 No residence halls, , 1960 Sonoma State Steppes
SNCC to form SSC group 10/22/1965 5 No Student Non-violent Coordinated Committee , , 1960 Sonoma State Steppes
Book store in need of books 10/22/1965 5 No bookstore, , 1960 Sonoma State Steppes
Road runners triumph; trounce f troop, 20-6 10/22/1965 6 No cross country, , 1960 Sonoma State Steppes
Hornets sting Cossacks: Noonan, Ranney impressive 10/22/1965 6 Yes cross country, , 1960 Sonoma State Steppes
Field meet tests football skills in pass and punt 10/22/1965 6 No athletics, football, 1960 Sonoma State Steppes
ASB president calls for general meeting to discuss student union 10/22/1965 1 No Associated Students Board of Directors, student union, 1960 Sonoma State Steppes
Seven scholarships given to Sonoma state students 10/22/1965 1 No scholarships, , 1960 Sonoma State Steppes
NWPC 10/22/1979 5 No National Women’s Political Caucus 1970 Sonoma State Star
Potheads Unite! 10/22/1979 6 Yes Drugs, Marijuana 1970 Sonoma State Star
