Student Newspaper Index

Over the years, the Sonoma State University's student newspaper has taken many names, seen countless editors and writers, but has always chronicled the important issues and events of the University. The University Archives has indexed the student newspapers. Search here to find articles by titles, subject, or author from any of the iterations of the student newspaper.

To get access to the articles you find, search the Student Newspaper Digital Collection or contact the Library's Special Collections department.

Title Author Date Published Page Photo Subject Decade Title of Publication
Campus Allies club examines white privilege Aizenstadt, Jared 10/26/2010 1,10 Yes Campus Allies for Racial Responsibility, Bowers, Christopher 2010 Sonoma State Star
Walter White’s time at Sonoma State: A journey to be remembered - Coach White says farewell after leaving a lasting mark with SSU baseball Rogers, Neil 10/26/2010 11 Yes White, Coach Walter 2010 Sonoma State Star
President Armiñana calls state budget a sham at ASI meeting Dunham, Jason 10/26/2010 1,5 Yes President Armiñana voices opinion of state budget 2000 Sonoma State Star
Students rally against hate and honor memory of deceased teens 10/26/2010 10 Yes Queer-Straight Alliance, Teen suicide and bullying victims vigil 2000 Sonoma State Star
SSU releases 2010-2011 budget Gerig, Jill 10/26/2010 1,4 No 2010-2011 budget, Budget reductions and allocations 2010 Sonoma State Star
Sonoma County residents face homelessness due to wildfires Kenneally, Sean 10/26/2020 1 Yes Homelessness, Natural disasters, Wildfires 2020
SSU employees take helm in local politics Kenneally, Sean 10/26/2020 1 Yes Politics, Elections, Sonoma county, SSU staff 2020
California Republican party placed misleading ballot boxes around state Schmuhl, Kristina 10/26/2020 1 Yes Republican party, Elections, Fraud 2020
Rohnert Park parties a thing of the past [editorial] Editorial 10/26/2020 2 Yes Editorial, COVID-19, Shelter in place, Social distancing 2020
Questionable motive behind G.O.P. ballot boxes Grabau, Myles 10/26/2020 3 No Republican party, Elections, Ballot boxes, Voting, Fraud 2020
Celebrating Indigenous People's Day Robinson, Max 10/26/2020 3 No Native Americans, Indigenous peoples, Holidays 2020
Prop 22 will determine fate of contract laborers Alvarado, Jayline 10/26/2020 3 No Voting, Proposition 22, Contacted workers 2020
Facebook uses censorship to combat Holocaust deniers Ramos, Sarah 10/26/2020 3 No Facebook, Holocaust, Conspiracy theorists 2020
Shortened 2020 census count will harm communities Insua, Nancy 10/26/2020 4 Yes Census, COVID-19, Federal funding 2020
Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court nomination hearing updates Insua, Nancy 10/26/2020 4 No Coney Barrett, Amy, Supreme court 2020
Protecting the public, 'The Social Dilemma' Dodge, Katelyn 10/26/2020 6 Yes Netflix, Social networks, Documentaries 2020
Events adapt to COVID-19, host drive-in concert series Sayer, Samuel 10/26/2020 6 Yes COVID-19, Pandemic, Public health, Social distancing, Public health 2020
Influencers gain popularity during the pandemic Clark, Taylor 10/26/2020 7 Yes Internet personalities, Social media 2020
Magic being made on Zoom through box office tickets Gonzalez, Rachel 10/26/2020 7 Yes COVID-19, Streaming video, Live theatre 2020
Alumni take over the career center Koba, Amanda 10/26/2020 8 Yes Careers advice, Student advising, SSU alumni 2020
