Student Newspaper Index

Over the years, the Sonoma State University's student newspaper has taken many names, seen countless editors and writers, but has always chronicled the important issues and events of the University. The University Archives has indexed the student newspapers. Search here to find articles by titles, subject, or author from any of the iterations of the student newspaper.

To get access to the articles you find, search the Student Newspaper Digital Collection or contact the Library's Special Collections department.

Title Author Date Published Page Photo Subject Decade Title of Publication
Stanford Professor speaks on race, schemas Brown, Shannon 02/17/2015 8 Yes Moya, Paula M.L., Race and Ethnicity discussion, Race perception 2010 Sonoma State Star
Mental health week walks on campus Johnson, Olivia 02/17/2015 9 Yes Mental Health Awareness Week 2010 Sonoma State Star
Recycled percussion gets thrown center stage Burke, Jake 02/17/2015 9 Yes Late Nights with Lobo, Recycled Percussion 2010 Sonoma State Star
Club Profile: Archery Purdy, Ancia 02/17/2015 10 Yes Archery Club 2010 Sonoma State Star
Softball goes undefeated in Vegas Gonzalez, Jennifer 02/17/2015 11 Yes Softball team, Montana State University Billings Desert Stinger Tournament 2010 Sonoma State Star
University offers new wine business degree transition program Lawrence, Kyle 02/17/2020 1 Yes Wine Business Institute, Wine Studies 2020 Sonoma State Star
Kylie Kiech becomes 6th player in SSU history to score 1,000 points in SSU win Sparks, Brandon 02/17/2020 10 Yes Athletics, Men's Basketball, Kiech, Kylie 2020 Sonoma State Star
School shooting drills can do more damage than good 02/18/20 2 No School shootings, Active shooter drills, Editorial 2020
Sacred land being destroyed to build Trump's wall Fernandez, Salvador 02/18/20 3 No Border wall, National parks, Native Americans 2020
'Happiest Place on Earth' becomes the most expensive place on earth Owen, Joseph 02/18/20 3 No Disneyland, Tourism 2020
Climate change causes a decline in bumblebee population Contreras, Maria Pineda 02/18/20 3 No Climate change, Bee population, Pollinator decline 2020
Renting clothes: the new fashion trend Franklin, Athena 02/18/20 3 No Clothing rental, Fashion merchandising 2020
Vagina Monologues sparks conversations Pinkham, Chelsea 02/18/20 4 Yes Vagina Monologues, Student performances, LGBTQIA 2020
Locust invasion threatens African food security Harwell, James 02/18/20 5 Yes Locusts, Food security, Insect invasion 2020
California's dry winter signals possible drought Frazier, Lily 02/18/20 5 Yes California weather, Drought conditions, Fire danger 2020
Green Music Center's event spread misaligned with student interests Clark, Taylor 02/18/20 6 Yes Green Music Center, Student entertainment, Music concerts 2020
Remembering Charles M. Schulz, 20 years after his death Hummel, Taylor 02/18/20 6 Yes Schulz, Charles, Schulz, Jeanie, Peanuts (comic) 2020
'Lip Jam' dances its way toward funding to end world hunger Fahrenthold, Clark 02/18/20 7 Yes Fundraiser, Student entertainment, Alpha Gamma Delta 2020
'Improvaholics' dazzle in Valentine's Day performance Barajas,Celeste 02/18/20 7 Yes Improvisational comedy, Improvaholics, Student entertainment 2020
Social Justice Week comes to campus in March Spence, Vinny 02/18/20 8 Yes Social justice, Activism 2020
