Title | Author | Date Published | Page | Photo | Subject | Decade | Title of Publication |
Unique Liberal Arts Program slated for college community | 11/21/1973 | 5 | No | External Liberal Arts degree program, Lee, Ardath | 1970 | Cal State Sonoma Key | |
Gay Student's Union plans meeting | 11/21/1973 | 7 | No | Gay Student's Union | 1970 | Cal State Sonoma Key | |
Senate rejects student demands | Bekeny, Tom | 11/21/1973 | 1,7 | No | Presidential Selection Advisory Committee (Rainbow Committee), Student representation, Academic Senate, Petitions | 1970 | Cal State Sonoma Key |
KSUN rocks | McCabe, Rick | 11/21/1973 | 1 | Yes | KSUN, Student media, Provost, Rick, Television, KVIN | 1970 | Cal State Sonoma Key |
America, the land of milk and honey : milk 65 cents honey $1.12 lb. [editorial] | Fillmore, Dwight E. | 11/21/1973 | 2 | No | Energy crisis | 1970 | Cal State Sonoma Key |
College Union controversy looms in the horizon [letters to the editor] | Lyon, Jon R. | 11/21/1973 | 2 | No | Student Union, Buildings, Funding | 1970 | Cal State Sonoma Key |
Student 'regrets' [letter to the editor] | Logsdon, Ronald O. | 11/21/1973 | 2 | No | Trustees, Ritchie, Mrs. C. Stewart, Student luncheon, Freedom of the press | 1970 | Cal State Sonoma Key |
Students thanked [letter to the editor] | Davis, Franzoni | 11/21/1973 | 2 | No | Art exhibit, Davis, Franzoni | 1970 | Cal State Sonoma Key |
Women needed [letter to the editor] | Gail, Robin | 11/21/1973 | 2 | No | Student newspapers , Women students | 1970 | Cal State Sonoma Key |
Flap over counseling prof's dismissal | Olson, Karl | 11/21/1974 | 1, 8 | No | Counseling Department, Assistant professor, Stephan, Carol, Palmer, John | 1970 | Sonoma State Morning Glory |
Petitions ignored Union Board nixes outside vending | Candiotti, Robert | 11/21/1974 | 1, 8 | No | Student vending | 1970 | Sonoma State Morning Glory |
Environmental groups sought | 11/21/1976 | 3 | No | Environmental Studies and Planning | 1970 | Cotati Call | |
Cossack cagers open campaign | 11/21/1976 | 3 | No | Basketball | 1970 | Cotati Call | |
Semantics Cloud Possible PCB Site Violations | White, Kory | 11/21/1983 | 1 | Yes | Hazardous waste | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Senate Axes ABC/NC Grading Mode | Dugan, Barry | 11/21/1983 | 1 | No | Grading Policy | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Video Ban Removes Tapes from Classroom | Casler, Tom | 11/21/1983 | 1 | Yes | Media Services | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Sonoma Co.’s Vietname Vets Honored | Lindner, Rob | 11/21/1983 | 4 | Yes | Veterans | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Dorms to Squeeze Out KSUN | Richardsen, Christy D. | 11/21/1983 | 6 | No | KSUN, Student media | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
From the Pages of SSU History: Cossack Confusion | Dakins, Traci | 11/21/1983 | 7 | No | Mascot | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Earle Finishes 23rd at NCAA Nationals | Glavich, Andy | 11/21/1988 | 15 | yes | Cross County, Stone, Mike, NCAA Nationals, Earle, Jolly | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
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Student Newspaper Index
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