Title | Author | Date Published | Page | Photo | Subject | Decade | Title of Publication |
Giants field reporter shares her experience | Huynh, Jaqueline | 02/28/2017 | 8 | Yes | Gutierrez, Amy, San Francisco Giants reporter | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Review controversy continues | Dugan, Barry | 03/01/1982 | 1,7 | No | Diamandopoulos, President Peter, Administration evaluation | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
KSUN campus radio goes back on air beginning March 1 | 03/01/1982 | 4 | Yes | KSUN radio station | 1980 | Sonoma State Star | |
Behind closed doors [Opinion] | 03/01/1982 | 2 | No | Associated Students Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Planning | 1980 | Sonoma State Star | |
International sculpture | Mitchell, Ann | 03/01/1982 | 4 | No | International Sculpture Conference, Lere, Mark, Fine, Jud, Art Department | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Dying for Attention [Opinion] | Sandy, Gary | 03/01/1982 | 3 | No | Hunger Project | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Changing for the better or the worse? [Opinion] | Haslam, Gerald | 03/01/1982 | 3 | No | Evolution of sexism | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Board of Directors votes in new reps | Burick, John | 03/01/1982 | 6 | No | Lyon, Dave, Representative for Undeclared Majors, Tugman, Suzanne, Dorm Representative | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
The mounting threat of atomic blackmail | McCracken, Will | 03/01/1982 | 6 | No | Threat of nuclear war, Campaign to Freeze the Arms Race | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Job proposals to be explored at Power and Work | Casler, Tom | 03/01/1982 | 9 | Yes | Power and Work Conference | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Controversy grows over Student Center referendum | Fedor, Kendall | 03/01/2011 | 1,5 | Yes | Student Center , Possible increase in tuition to fund Student Center | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Part-time lecturers first on chopping block | Pohlman, Sara Jane | 03/01/2011 | 1,5 | No | Budget cuts, Possible elimination of part-time lecturers | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Search begins for a permanent provost | Crossen, Scott | 03/01/2011 | 1,5 | Yes | Preliminary plans for securing provost position, Rahimi, Interim Provost Saied | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Local grocer Pacific Market closes without warning | O’Sullivan, Kinley | 03/01/2011 | 1,5 | Yes | Closing of Pacific Market, SSU students lose jobs | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Losing lecturers means losing mentors, friends [Editorial] | 03/01/2011 | 2 | No | Necessity of part time lecturers | 2010 | Sonoma State Star | |
Land lines are a necessity [Letters to the Editor] | Parreira, Stephanie | 03/01/2011 | 2 | No | Lack of operational land lines | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Student Profile: Anthony Lopez leads local band | Hixton, Will | 03/01/2011 | 6 | Yes | Lopez, Anthony, Down Dirty Shake | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Sonoma State faculty showcase original art | Schwarz, Sandy | 03/01/2011 | 7 | Yes | Exhibition of art created by art professors | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
World of Work career fair falls short - Sonoma State students feel disappointed with opportunities offered | Hines, Matt | 03/01/2011 | 8 | Yes | World of Work Career and Summer Job Fair | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Sonoma State welcomes Brian Greene with open minds - Greene gives a comprehensive and enjoyable lecture on his approach to string theory | Pierce, Ronald | 03/01/2011 | 9 | Yes | “The Elegant Universe” lecture, String theory | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
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Student Newspaper Index
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