Title | Author | Date Published | Page | Photo | Subject | Decade | Title of Publication |
Record election vote expected | 4/15/1966 | 5 | No | elections, AS, , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
Chemists given research grants | 4/15/1966 | 6 | No | Chemistry Department, National Science Foundation, Holmes, Robert, Schaumburg, Gene, Research grants | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
History Prof to speak at AWS dessert | 4/15/1966 | 6 | No | Associated Women Students, club, , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
Dean Lee receives chairmanship | 4/15/1966 | 6 | No | Lee, Hector, Western association of schools and colleges, , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
SSC animal laboratory staffed with psychology students; rat residents | 4/15/1966 | 6 | Yes | Psychology Department, Animal laboratories, , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
New selective service qualifying tests administered beginning May 14 | 4/15/1966 | 7 | No | Draft registration, , , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
Cord asked to advise on Mexican film | 4/15/1966 | 7 | No | Cord, William O. , , , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
Library displays collection | 4/15/1966 | 7 | No | exhibits, Library, Books, | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
SSC baseballers victorious: Cossacks meet Stanislaus | 4/15/1966 | 8 | Yes | Baseball , , , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
Record now 3-1 after Humbolt | 4/15/1966 | 8 | Yes | Baseball , , , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
Golfers host aggies; look for first match victory | 4/15/1966 | 8 | No | golf, , , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
Thinclads vs. USF at Davis | 4/15/1966 | 8 | No | fencing, , , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
Tennis... | 4/15/1966 | 8 | No | tennis, , , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
Wagner nixes beer, wine on campus | 4/15/1976 | 2 | No | Alcohol | 1970 | Cotati Call | |
Dr. Doctor speaks of conservation | 4/15/1976 | 2 | No | Lecture, Doctor, Ronald, Energy conservation | 1970 | Cotati Call | |
Campus Lures Students From the Earth’s Far Corners | Van Staveren, Jenny | 4/15/1985 | 5 | No | Foreign Students | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Hutchins Students Receive ‘a Scope of Understanding’ | Lazaro, Johnson | 4/15/1985 | 6 | No | Hutchins School | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Reasons Offered for Low Enrollment | Bauer, Julie E. | 4/15/1985 | 6 | No | Enrollment | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
No more free parking at SSU | Thomas, Heather | 4/15/1997 | 1 | No | Parking, Public Safety | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Standridge arrested, workplace violence busted | Maizuss, Randy | 4/15/1997 | 1 | No | Public Safety, Protests, Standridge,, Arrests | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
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