Title | Author | Date Published | Page | Photo | Subject | Decade | Title of Publication |
2012-2013 budget may bring more cuts | Krassovsky, Larissa | 03/20/2012 | 4 | Yes | $750 million budget cuts, Possible additional $200 million permanent cut “trigger cut” | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Academic Senate proposes subsidies for low-income students | Tenney, Noah | 03/20/2012 | 5 | Yes | Diversity Subcommittee in the Academic Senate, Subsidize Category II local student fees, Fee increase impact on low-income students | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Banski finds niche with socially consciuous hip-hop | Hubbard, Alex | 03/20/2012 | 6 | Yes | Banski, Socially conscious hip-hop | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Juried Student Exhibition is anything but usual | Flores, Danielle | 03/20/2012 | 7 | No | “Juried Student Exhibition 2012”, University Art Gallery | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
@SSUGuyProblems roasts individuals, organizations | Fitch, Kelly | 03/20/2012 | 8 | Yes | SSUGuyProblems on Twitter | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Students follow new piercing trend | Solomon, Ricky | 03/20/2012 | 8 | Yes | Body piercing, Dermal perforation | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Getting back in touch with nature | Solomon, Ricky | 03/20/2012 | 8 | No | Outdoor Resource Center, Outdoor Pursuits - trip lead program, Outdoor activities for students | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Tunnel of Oppression: A voice for the voiceless | Driver, Kevin | 03/20/2012 | 9 | Yes | Tunnel of Oppression, Educate students about issues of oppression | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Three Seawolves awarded All-CCAA Team | Zell, Zachary | 03/20/2012 | 11 | Yes | Men’s basketball, Herald, Justin, Olsem, Will, Pratt, Steven | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Sonoma State Rugby Club No. 1 in Polls | Mayall, Sean | 03/20/2012 | 12 | Yes | SSU Rugby Team, Northern Californian Rugby Football Union, Maldonado, Coach Pat | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Colleges may ask students their sexual orientation | Askew, Emily | 03/20/2012 | 1, 4 | Yes | Identification of sexual orientation, Gender definition revision | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Summer Bridge grows shorter each year | Viera, Angelica | 03/20/2012 | 1,5 | Yes | Educational Opportunity Program, Summer Bridge, Reduction of hours and budget issues | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Chronicle XXII: The Weill Project | Dickinson, Taylor | 03/20/2012 | 1,10 | Yes | Chronicle XXII, Green Music Center, Student Center, Current budget crisis, The Weill Project | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Student LGBTQ status is too much information [Editorial] | 03/20/2012 | 2 | No | Declaration of sexual preference, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning Youth | 2010 | Sonoma State Star | |
An open apology [Letters to the Editor] | Morris, Michael | 03/20/2012 | 2 | No | Closure of Community Counseling Center (CCC) | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
The politics of envy and greed | Zebulon, Michael | 03/20/2012 | 2 | No | “Millionaire’s Tax”, Luttman, Professor Rick | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Campus should report incidents of hate [Letters to the Editor] | Holstrom, Laurel | 03/20/2012 | 2 | No | Campus committed to being free of discrimination, Reporting incidents of hate | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
MAC product names are insensitive to Mexican culture [Opinion] | Villafuerte, Vanessa | 03/20/2012 | 3 | Yes | MAC cosmetics, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Mexican culture | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Barrel tasting is a weekend to remember [Opinion] | Garcia, Angie | 03/20/2012 | 3 | Yes | Wine Road winery association, Barrel tasting weekends | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Town Hall meeting prepares campus for cuts | Fedor, Kendall | 03/22/2011 | 1,4 | Yes | Campus budget cuts & decisions | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
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