Student Newspaper Index

Over the years, the Sonoma State University's student newspaper has taken many names, seen countless editors and writers, but has always chronicled the important issues and events of the University. The University Archives has indexed the student newspapers. Search here to find articles by titles, subject, or author from any of the iterations of the student newspaper.

To get access to the articles you find, search the Student Newspaper Digital Collection or contact the Library's Special Collections department.

Title Author Date Published Page Photo Subject Decade Title of Publication
Injuries mar volleyball finale Monroe, Matt 4/7/1992 14 No Athletics, men’s volleyball 1990 Sonoma State Star
Lacrosse unended in shocker Mendez, Robert 4/7/1992 15 No Athletics, Lacrosse 1990 Sonoma State Star
‘Raising Hell’ with Run- DMC Stonebarger, Derek 4/7/1998 8 Yes Concerts , Run DMC 1990 Sonoma State Star
The best of SSU Vaca, Albert 4/7/1998 9 No Student Life 1990 Sonoma State Star
Softball struggles through week Miller, Jeff 4/7/1998 10 Yes Athletics , Softball 1990 Sonoma State Star
SSU Cheer Squad has school spirit to spare Campanaro, Curt 4/7/1998 10 No Entertainment , student support 1990 Sonoma State Star
Countdown to Commencement Brown, Chantel 4/7/1998 14 No Commencement 1990 Sonoma State Star
Local High School District/ SSU Partnership Holcomb, Bert 4/7/1998 1 No Campus Growth 1990 Sonoma State Star
Arminana pledges support of rape awareness issues Paley, Sheri 4/7/1998 1 Yes Clubs, Students Against Sexual Assault, Armiñana, Pres. Ruben (Campus level) 1990 Sonoma State Star
Woe of the senior Wood, Josh 4/7/1998 4 No Student life 1990 Sonoma State Star
Tutorial Program deserves adequate funding Pava, Aaron 4/7/1998 4 No Tutorial Program, Funding 1990 Sonoma State Star
We don’t get all the news, all the time Wilson, April 4/7/1998 5 Yes Student Media 1990 Sonoma State Star
$15,000 raised for women’s athletic scholarships Binswanger, Karl 4/7/1998 6 No Scholarships, Women's Sports 1990 Sonoma State Star
leg up: SSU’s re-entry services program Swain, Jamie 4/7/1998 6 Yes Reentry Services Program 1990 Sonoma State Star
Toddler center to be built at SSU Mitchelmore, Carin 4/7/1998 7 No Development , Infant/ toddler Center 1990 Sonoma State Star
Holocaust and Genocide Memorial Grove completed; dedication ceremony hosts over 550 people Rice, Matt 4/7/2009 1,4 Yes Erna and Arthur Salm Holocaust and Genocide Memorial Grove, Genocide, Dedication 2000 Sonoma State Star
Hutchins students raising awareness about sweatshop labor Nezovich, Jessica 4/7/2009 1, 5 Yes Sweatshop labor, Sonoma State merchandise, Hutchins project 2000 Sonoma State Star
Sustainable or insubstantial? “Green Revolution” doesn’t do climate crisis justice McMackin, Rose 4/7/2009 2 No Green Revolution, Global earth hour, Sustainability 2000 Sonoma State Star
Campus should be smoke-free [Letter to Editor] Prasad, Kamal 4/7/2009 2 No Smoke-free campus 2000 Sonoma State Star
Campus Rec looks for ways to improve at national conference: Students attend the National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association confernece in North Carolina Carvajal, Morgan 4/7/2009 5 No NIRA Sports Association, Intramural sports, Campus rec coordinators 2000 Sonoma State Star
