Student Newspaper Index

Over the years, the Sonoma State University's student newspaper has taken many names, seen countless editors and writers, but has always chronicled the important issues and events of the University. The University Archives has indexed the student newspapers. Search here to find articles by titles, subject, or author from any of the iterations of the student newspaper.

To get access to the articles you find, search the Student Newspaper Digital Collection or contact the Library's Special Collections department.

Title Author Date Published Page Photo Subject Decade Title of Publication
Commencement Comes Porter, Susan 5/18/1987 1,13 No Faculty 1980 Sonoma State Star
SSU’s Career Faire 5/18/1987 1 Yes Career Faire 1980 Sonoma State Star
Rebate Out McDonald, Jeffrey 5/18/1987 1,16 No Bookstore 1980 Sonoma State Star
Critical for Conference Toulouse, Laurie 5/18/1987 1,6 Yes Perkins, David, Critical thinking, Speaker 1980 Sonoma State Star
Chasing Rainbows Editorial 5/18/1987 2 No Bookstore 1980 Sonoma State Star
The Star needs you! Editorial 5/18/1987 2 No Star 1980 Sonoma State Star
Gardner Hopes Richardson, Cheryl 5/18/1987 2 No Gardening 1980 Sonoma State Star
Hughes Praised Montan, Tom 5/18/1987 3,13,16 No Hughes, Michael, Politics 1980 Sonoma State Star
Chinese Consul-General Offers Trade Turner, Michael 5/18/1987 4 Yes Zhao Xi Xin, Trade Relations, China 1980 Sonoma State Star
Killer Weeds Choke Pond Boye, Bob 5/18/1987 5 No Duck Pond 1980 Sonoma State Star
Credit / No-Credit Goes Down for the Count Afifi, Marc 5/18/1987 9 No Grades 1980 Sonoma State Star
New Emertius 5/18/1987 5 No Searight, Mary 1980 Sonoma State Star
Wolfe Blows Down House Klein, Bob 5/18/1987 1,7 Yes Wolfe, Tom 1980 Sonoma State Star
Social Science Gets New Dean Murphy, Dan 5/18/1987 7 Yes Karlsrud, Robert 1980 Sonoma State Star
Vendors Don’t Die, They Just Give Change Williams, Calvin 5/18/1987 10 Yes Costa, Harry , 1980 Sonoma State Star
Goodman Climbs Ladders Without UOP Offer Lindner, Rob 5/18/1987 11 Yes Goodman, Chuck 1980 Sonoma State Star
SSU Track Meets Success Barbour, Alan 5/18/1987 14 Yes Track 1980 Sonoma State Star
You’ve Come a Long Way, SSU Barbour, Alan 5/18/1987 15 Yes Baseball 1980 Sonoma State Star
Candidate questions AS election procedures Campanale, Michelle 5/18/1993 1 Yes Associated Students (A.S.), Elections 1990 Sonoma State Star
Working 9 to 5 no longer works Henderson, Donna 5/18/1993 1 No "4-10 Plan", Utilities costs 1990 Sonoma State Star
