Student Newspaper Index

Over the years, the Sonoma State University's student newspaper has taken many names, seen countless editors and writers, but has always chronicled the important issues and events of the University. The University Archives has indexed the student newspapers. Search here to find articles by titles, subject, or author from any of the iterations of the student newspaper.

To get access to the articles you find, search the Student Newspaper Digital Collection or contact the Library's Special Collections department.

Title Author Date Published Page Photo Subject Decade Title of Publication
SSU student film to appear at Cannes Film Festival Sinatra, Sammy 04/03/2018 9 Yes Harvey, Ryan, "Fist Full of Cache" film, Cannes Film Festival 2010 Sonoma State Star
Sonoma State University tennis Bennett, Jessica 04/03/2018 10 Yes Women's tennis, Men's tennis 2010 Sonoma State Star
Associated Students elections to be held next week Gieske, Ashley 04/03/2018 1 No Associated Students, Election 2010 Sonoma State Star
AEPi raises money to support cancer patients Priest, Kailey 04/03/2018 1 Yes AEPi Fraternity, Philanthropic cancer fundraiser 2010 Sonoma State Star
Memes attempt to bridge humor with serious issues [Commentary] Perry, Kathleen 04/03/2018 1,7 Yes School shootings 2010 Sonoma State Star
Trevor Chapman for Associated Students president [Editorial] 04/03/2018 2 Yes Associated Students elections, Chapman, Trevor 2010 Sonoma State Star
Adopting a citizenship question for the census will further limit immigrant safety [Opinion] Miller, Brooklynn 04/03/2018 3 Yes Citizenship, Immigration 2010 Sonoma State Star
Clean drinking water isn't a privilege; it's a human right [Opinion] Waskowiak, Aaron 04/03/2018 3 Yes Clean drinking water 2010 Sonoma State Star
Facebook users shouldn't be shocked about the data breach [Opinion] Mejia, Luis 04/03/2018 3 Yes Facebook, Data breach 2010 Sonoma State Star
California faculty Association to protest CSU budget Herrmann, Casey 04/03/2018 4 No California Faculty Association, CSU budget 2010 Sonoma State Star
Associated Students elections - Voting for Associated Students Novella, Gabriella 04/03/2018 5 Yes Chapman, Trevor, Ojeda, Manny 2010 Sonoma State Star
Seawolves Speak! Sorrentino, Sierra 04/03/2018 7 Yes Student interviews 2010 Sonoma State Star
Seawolves celebrate LGBTQ+ community Archerda, Alyssa 04/04/2017 9 Yes Trans Day of Visibility 2010 Sonoma State Star
Associated Students candidates share vision for office in debate Cartwright, Braden 04/04/2017 1 Yes Associated Students, Candidate debates 2010 Sonoma State Star
SMART train expected by the end of spring Evans, Sam 04/04/2017 1,5 Yes Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) train 2010 Sonoma State Star
Students and faculty have mixed reactions to tuition increase Jew, Nathan 04/04/2017 1,5 Yes Tuition increase 2010 Sonoma State Star
Get involved, be represented [Editorial] 04/04/2017 2 No Associated Students, Student government elections 2010 Sonoma State Star
Housing discrimination affects students of color [Opinion] Sanchez, Edgar 04/04/2017 3 Yes Student housing, Housing discrimination 2010 Sonoma State Star
United's sexist dress code [Opinion] Huffman, Lindsey 04/04/2017 3 Yes Airline dress code, Discrimination 2010 Sonoma State Star
Republicans actively harming women's health [Opinion] Hunt, Olivia 04/04/2017 3 Yes Planned Parenthood, Healthcare 2010 Sonoma State Star
