Title | Author | Date Published | Page | Photo | Subject | Decade | Title of Publication |
Cossacks Win TV Game | Merwitzer, Jon | 5/7/1996 | 9 | Yes | CSU Hayward, Baseball | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Impressive STAR Reign Ends | Merwitzer, Jon | 5/7/1996 | 2 | No | STAR | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Cosby inspires audience | Amayun, Sarah | 5/7/2002 | 7 | Yes | Cosby, Russell | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Sportin' Wood: The third installment | Bolin, Woody | 5/7/2002 | 17 | No | Athletics | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Softball takes a beating, courtesy UC Davis | Hess, Scott | 5/7/2002 | 17 | No | Athletics, Softball | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Athlete of the Week: Andy Weber | Abbate, Blake | 5/7/2002 | 18 | Yes | Athletics, Baseball, Weber, Andy | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Baseball splits with CSLA | Burgess, Mark | 5/7/2002 | 18 | Yes | Athletics, Baseball | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Back to Back champs | Johnson, Jeremy | 5/7/2002 | 20 | Yes | Athletics, Lacrosse, Crickmore, M.J. | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
From the End of the Bench | Conlin, John | 5/7/2002 | 19 | Yes | Athletics, Baseball | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
The Battle for Money at SSU | Amayun, Sarah | 5/7/2002 | 1 | No | program funding, budget, fundraising | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Angela Davis fills the Cooperage | Williams, Andy | 5/7/2002 | 1 | Yes | Politics, Davis, Angela | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Day to Remember | Mays, Tice | 5/7/2002 | 1 | No | Commencement | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Re: "Israel and its people under attack," April 23, 2002 [Letters to the Editor] | Ohrn, Matz-Ola | 5/7/2002 | 2 | No | Iraq, War | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Re: Embracing Differences," April 23, 2002 {Letters to the Editor} | Spears, Nick | 5/7/2002 | 2 | No | Diversity, Tolerance | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Armiñana affirms: students have no choice | Wood, Stacey | 5/7/2002 | 3 | No | Armiñana, President Ruben (Campus level), administration, campus capitalism | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
TII project expands SSU's computer options | Wolfe, David | 5/7/2002 | 5 | No | Telecommunications Infrastructure Initiative (TII), Information Technology | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
AMCS department in jeopordy | Sisco, Josh | 5/7/2002 | 6 | No | American Multicultural Studies (AMCS) | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Raising money for good cause | Tarvainen, Paivi | 5/7/2002 | 7 | Yes | Ahlgren, Serena, Fundraising, Global Exchange | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Hello to arms? | Weimer, A. Don | 5/8/1975 | 1 | No | Public Safety | 1970 | Sonoma State Morning Glory |
No cops in the Dorms? | Butorac, Patricia | 5/8/1975 | 1 | No | Residence Halls | 1970 | Sonoma State Morning Glory |
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Student Newspaper Index
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