Student Newspaper Index

Over the years, the Sonoma State University's student newspaper has taken many names, seen countless editors and writers, but has always chronicled the important issues and events of the University. The University Archives has indexed the student newspapers. Search here to find articles by titles, subject, or author from any of the iterations of the student newspaper.

To get access to the articles you find, search the Student Newspaper Digital Collection or contact the Library's Special Collections department.

Title Author Date Published Page Photo Subject Decade Title of Publication
Q and A with Athletic Director Bill Fusco Jeffcoat, Brian 8/24/2005 12 Yes Athletic Director, Fusco, Bill 2000 Sonoma State Star
61,000 vulnerable in network attack Willard, Lauren 8/24/2005 1, 4 No Computers, Security breach, Admissions and Records 2000 Sonoma State Star
SSU makes county history with Eagles concert Willard, Lauren 8/24/2005 1, 5 No Eagles, Concerts, Bill Graham Presents 2000 Sonoma State Star
Summer construction update Catharina, DeeDee 8/24/2005 1,5 No Construction, Stevenson Hall , Green Music Center 2000 Sonoma State Star
Everest Gym floor still under repair Nichols, Rachel 8/24/2005 1, 5 Yes Rec Center, Everest Gym, Awards, Sustainable building 2000 Sonoma State Star
Theory of intelligent design, not much of a theory [Editorial] Mead, Emily 8/24/2005 2 No Intelligent design, Theory of evolution, Science and religion, President (U.S.), Bush, George W. 2000 Sonoma State Star
A quiet repeal of the First Amendment [Editorial] Bullock, Drew 8/24/2005 2 No First Amendment, Freedom of speech, Campaign Finance Reform 2000 Sonoma State Star
SSU Spotlight: Dan Condron Agius, Nick 8/24/2005 4 Yes Condron, Dan, Vice President of University Affairs, Community relations 2000 Sonoma State Star
Major Construction Underway 8/25/1975 1,4 Yes Construction of new classroom building, College Union building 1970 Sonoman
Cal State Enrollment on Rise 8/25/1975 1 Yes Enrollment increase 1970 Sonoman
Health Center Welcomes You 8/25/1975 8 Yes Student Health Center 1970 Sonoman
CSCS Withdraws FWC Request 8/25/1975 8 No Far Western Intercollegiate Athletics Conference (FWC) 1970 Sonoman
Johns Appointed Vice Prez 8/25/1975 8 Yes Johns, Dr. W. Lloyd , Vice President for administrative affairs and professor of education 1970 Sonoman
Medieval Semester Designated 8/25/1975 2 Yes Medieval Studies, Middle Ages 1970 Sonoman
Cowboy Book Donated to Library 8/25/1975 2 No ‘Cowboys, North and South’, James, Will 1970 Sonoman
$8 million in new construction at college 8/25/1976 1, 2 No Construction, Loop road, Art Building, Student Union, Accessibility 1970 Sonoma State Carousel
Carousel : The new merry-go-round? 8/25/1976 1 No Student newspapers, Sonoma State Carousel, Coleman, Cindy 1970 Sonoma State Carousel
Wagner leaves, Lloyd Johns steps in, up 8/25/1976 1 Yes Johns, Lloyd, Vice president, Wagner, Marjorie 1970 Sonoma State Carousel
New faculty, classes for music dept. 8/25/1976 2 No Music department, Faculty, Thompson, Marilyn, Schultz, James, Palacios, John 1970 Sonoma State Carousel
Specialist joins Sonoma faculty 8/25/1976 2 Yes Giovinco, Joseph, Ethnic studies, Faculty 1970 Sonoma State Carousel
