Title | Author | Date Published | Page | Photo | Subject | Decade | Title of Publication |
No admissions for Spring 2010 | Craver, Amanda | 9/1/2009 | 1 | No | Spring admissions, Budget reduction | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Budget crisis draws attention at Fall University Convocation: Staff and students ask how they can work together to reform while Professor Moulton’s speech causes a stir among faculty members | Osborne, Kimmie | 9/1/2009 | 1 | No | Budget crisis, Fall Convocation, Professor Moulton | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Higher fees, furloughs, and no money to pay for it all; students dubbed the true victims | [Editorial] | 9/1/2009 | 2 | No | Effects of economic crisis | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Crippling public higher education in California [Opinion] | Bliss, Shepherd | 9/1/2009 | 3 | No | Budget cuts and education, Salaries of top administrators, Furloughs and impacted classes | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Life beyond the classroom [Opinion] | Reece, Trevor | 9/1/2009 | 3 | No | Contemplating the final year of college | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
The truth behind the swine flu [Opinion] | Nezovich, Jessica | 9/1/2009 | 3 | No | Swine flu precautionary measures, Brief history of H1N1 | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
556 die from H1N1 this year: Swine flu vaccine will be available mid-October | Nezovich, Jessica | 9/1/2009 | 4 | No | Swine flu/H1N1, Precautionary tips, Vaccine availability, Symptoms | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Books for rent: Save money and the environment | Osborne, Kimmie | 9/1/2009 | 4 | Yes | Expense of textbooks, Textbook securing options | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Faculty furloughs effective for the fall semester | Craver, Amanda | 9/1/2009 | 5 | No | Effects of faculty furloughs, Fall furlough days required | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Big Nite kicks off the fall semester in a major way: The first on-campus event attracts impressive numbers of both freshman and returning students | Masucci, Tori | 9/1/2009 | 8 | Yes | Big Nite | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
No admissions for Spring 2010 | Craver, Amanda | 9/1/2009 | 1 | No | Spring admissions, Budget reduction | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
We change printing dates | 9/10/1974 | 2 | No | Student newspaper | 1970 | Cotati Call | |
Wining and Dining | 9/10/1974 | 2 | No | Extension program | 1970 | Cotati Call | |
Big anti-dam rock benefit Sunday | 9/10/1974 | 5 | No | Concerts, Fundraising, Dam | 1970 | Cotati Call | |
Environmental Studies | 9/10/1974 | 5 | No | Environmental Studies and Planning | 1970 | Cotati Call | |
It’s psychic year for Sonoma State | 9/10/1974 | 6 | No | Psychic Studies | 1970 | Cotati Call | |
Mademoiselle discovers ‘rugged’ Sonoma State | Olson, Karl | 9/10/1974 | 7 | No | Student media | 1970 | Cotati Call |
Women's Union moves into action | Meredith, Jesse | 9/10/1974 | 1, 3 | No | Women's Union, Feminism, Womancenter, Women's Survival Center | 1970 | Sonoma State Morning Glory |
Board retrieves plans : Student Union | 9/10/1974 | 1, 7 | No | College Union, College Union Foundation, Space planning | 1970 | Sonoma State Morning Glory | |
How many can't register? Aid mess repercussions | 9/10/1974 | 1, 7 | No | Financial aid, enrollments, Student loans, Neiderbach, Arnold | 1970 | Sonoma State Morning Glory |
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Student Newspaper Index
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