Title | Author | Date Published | Page | Photo | Subject | Decade | Title of Publication |
KSUN cable cut | Van Kirk, F.M. | 9/22/1977 | 1,12 | Yes | KSUN, Student media, Radio Station, Funding, Budget | 1970 | Stony Point Gazette |
SSC loop road ruling : reaching a compromise | Lewis, Sheila | 9/22/1977 | 1 | No | Loop road, Construction, Campus Planning Committee | 1970 | Stony Point Gazette |
IRA allocations | 9/22/1977 | 2 | No | Instructionally Related Activities (IRA), Funds | 1970 | Stony Point Gazette | |
SPG | 9/22/1977 | 2 | No | Stony Point Gazette, Temporary suspension of publication, Press shop printer | 1970 | Stony Point Gazette | |
Why get involved? [editorial] | Smoot, Ron | 9/22/1977 | 3 | No | Student newspaper, Staff changes, Funding | 1970 | Stony Point Gazette |
Hitchhiking with friends | Bentley, Tom | 9/22/1977 | 4 | No | Hitchhiking, Friends of Hitchhiking, Identification cards, Ponder, Todd | 1970 | Stony Point Gazette |
Women's Literature - a regional perspective | Saunders, Evelyn | 9/22/1977 | 8 | Yes | Women's literature, Oral histories, Teaching Women's Literature from a Regional Perspective, Friedman, Adele, Dr., Giovinco, Joseph | 1970 | Stony Point Gazette |
A bright future for solar energy : $150,000 CETA grant | Washer, David | 9/22/1977 | 9, 10 | No | Comprehensive Educational Training Act (CETA) , Solar Heating and Technical Training Program, Grants, Solar Energy, Classes | 1970 | Stony Point Gazette |
UPC blasts exclusion | 9/22/1977 | 10 | No | United Professors of California (UPC), Collective bargaining legislation | 1970 | Stony Point Gazette | |
Lottery Money Starts to Flow: $566,000 | Montan, Tom | 9/22/1986 | 1 | No | Lottery | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Scholarship Fine Lets Money Slip by Unclaimed | King, Susan | 9/22/1986 | 1,6 | No | Scholarships | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
SSU Hosts Internatioal Critical Thinking Forum | Yamasaki, Karen | 9/22/1986 | 1,6 | No | Critical Thinking | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Temko Trip to Nicaragua Finds Poverty, Freedoms | Goff, Linda | 9/22/1986 | 1,8 | Yes | Nicaragua, Temko, Phil , Dr. | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Mexico Freedom Day Celebrated in ICC | Warmoth, Monica | 9/22/1986 | 3 | No | Mexican Freedom Day, InterCultural Center (ICC) | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Davidson Leads Sonoma in NCAC Cross- Country | StudenickaErick | 9/22/1986 | 7 | No | Northern California Athletic Conference (NCAC), Cross-country, Davidson, | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Penalty, Fumble Cost Cossacks Opener | Pendergraft, Robin | 9/22/1986 | 7 | No | Football | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Spikes Serve Up a A Win | Lindner, Rob | 9/22/1986 | 7 | No | Women’s Volleyball Team | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Computer porn causes stir in Washington | 9/22/1992 | 1 | No | Pornography, Internet, U. of Washington | 1990 | Sonoma State Star | |
Apathy at SSU? | 9/22/1992 | 2 | No | Budget cuts, Apathy | 1990 | Sonoma State Star | |
The latest from the Associated Students | Alcorn, Adam | 9/22/1992 | 2 | Yes | Legislative Vice President, Associated Students (A.S.) | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
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Student Newspaper Index
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