Student Newspaper Index

Over the years, the Sonoma State University's student newspaper has taken many names, seen countless editors and writers, but has always chronicled the important issues and events of the University. The University Archives has indexed the student newspapers. Search here to find articles by titles, subject, or author from any of the iterations of the student newspaper.

To get access to the articles you find, search the Student Newspaper Digital Collection or contact the Library's Special Collections department.

Title Author Date Published Page Photo Subject Decade Title of Publication
Feminist lecture series focuses on women’s work 9/25/1981 5 No Lectures 1980 Sonoma State Star
SSU loses to Gails, 2-1 Burick, John 9/25/1981 7 No Soccer 1980 Sonoma State Star
Women’s cross country team improves at SF invitational 9/25/1981 8 Yes Women’s cross country 1980 Sonoma State Star
Men’s cross country building for the future Poteracke, James 9/25/1981 8 No Men’s cross country 1980 Sonoma State Star
Cossack spikers beat Gators in a five set marathon Donnelly, Brigid 9/25/1981 8 Yes Women’s volleyball 1980 Sonoma State Star
Coms Dept. Welcomes New Face Luna, Luis 9/25/1990 6 No Barnard, Melinda, Communications Department 1990 Sonoma State Star
ASP Revives Reggae Beat Enea, JoAnna 9/25/1990 8.9 Yes Banton, Pato, Associated Student Productions (ASP), Music, Reggae 1990 Sonoma State Star
“War and Peace in the Nuclear Age” 9/25/1990 10 No Lectures 1990 Sonoma State Star
Colloquium On Humankind’s “Most Noble Science" 9/25/1990 10 No Math Department 1990 Sonoma State Star
“Germany Today “ Bagdasarian, Dana 9/25/1990 11 No Classes, Germany 1990 Sonoma State Star
Travel Study Tours Offered 9/25/1990 12 No Nepal, India 1990 Sonoma State Star
Geography Series Lectures 9/25/1990 12 No Hungary, Himalayas, Geography 1990 Sonoma State Star
Computer Bargaining Complicated Giebitz, paula 9/25/1990 13 No Computers, Faculty 1990 Sonoma State Star
Cossacks Blown Over by Gaels Elliot, Richard 9/25/1990 14 Yes Women’s Soccer 1990 Sonoma State Star
Cossacks Upend NCAC Favorite Aggies Early, Ed 9/25/1990 14,15 No Men’s Soccer 1990 Sonoma State Star
NCAC Life Getting Harder for SSU Elliott, Richard 9/25/1990 14 Yes Volleyball 1990 Sonoma State Star
CSU Illegally transfers funds Brosnan, Maria 9/25/1990 1,13 No funds, Lottery Act, Budget crisis 1990 Sonoma State Star
Cossacks Run Over Humboldt Early ,Ed 9/25/1990 15 No Cross Country 1990 Sonoma State Star
Veronda travels beyond the broken Berlin wall Enea, JoAnna 9/25/1990 1,13 Yes Berlin wall, Veronda, Ray 1990 Sonoma State Star
Yet another “quality” letter {letter to editor} Overbay, Zac 9/25/1990 3 No Delta Sigma Phi, Fraternities 1990 Sonoma State Star
