Library Classrooms

The Library's classrooms are used primarily for library instruction sessions, and therefore, are not available for regularly scheduled classes. Please see Library Instruction for more information on the Library's instruction program or to request instruction.

To find a technology-enabled classroom to fit your needs, see IT Services' Labs, Tech Classrooms.

If you have any questions about library spaces, please contact Hilary Smith, Special Collections Librarian. For questions about the Library's instruction program or to schedule an instruction session, please contact Kaitlin Springmier, Instruction & Learning Assessment Librarian.

Library Instruction Room 2016

Library Instruction Room 2016 is for library instruction. To request instruction, please see Library Instruction.


60 people


  • 1 Instruction Station (which includes Macbook laptop, speakers)
  • 45 Macbook Laptops
  • 1 projector


Kaitlin Springmier

Instruction & Learning Assessment Librarian

Library Instruction Room 2015

Library Instruction Room 2015 is for library instruction. To request instruction, please see Library Instruction.


35 people


  • 1 Instruction Station (which includes PC laptop)
  • 35 HP Laptops
  • 2 75-inch flatscreen T.V.s


Kaitlin Springmier

Instruction & Learning Assessment Librarian