Title | Author | Date Published | Page | Photo | Subject | Decade | Title of Publication |
A little persepctive to clarify the debate [Opinion} | Peacock, Jonathan | 9/7/2004 | 3 | No | Tax burden, Taxes and public education | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
What is the WASC report? | Cohen, Rebekah | 9/7/2004 | 1, 10 | No | Accreditation | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
We made our bed; now it's time to lie in it | Edwards, Kristin | 9/7/2004 | 5 | No | Accreditation, Participation | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Book prices skyrocket | Steinhauser, Jullian | 9/7/2004 | 1, 10 | Yes | Expense of textbooks | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
SSU goes 'Behind the Veil' | Walters, Brittany | 9/7/2004 | 1, 10 | Yes | Amer, Dr.Sahar, Global awareness, Representations of Islam and Arabs | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
New CSU budget in the works | Abbott, David | 9/7/2005 | 1, 5 | No | Governor's budget, Budget increase | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Daughter of Deep Throat': SSU Professor talks about her father's role in uncovering Watergate, and a more personal journey | Beebout, Ed | 9/7/2005 | 1,10 | Yes | Deep Throat, Felt, W. Mark, Watergate, Professor, Felt, Joan | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Hurricane Katrina washes away America's blindfold [Editorial] | Abbott, David | 9/7/2005 | 2 | No | Hurricane Katrina, Homeland security, New Orleans | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
SU Spotlight: Barbara E. Bloom | Fabela, Kelly | 9/7/2005 | 4 | Yes | Bloom, Barbara E., Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Justice Administration, Women's prisons | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Athlete of the week: Mindy Orth | 9/7/2005 | 12 | Yes | Orth, Mindy, Athlete of the week, Women's volleyball | 2000 | Sonoma State Star | |
SSU recycles trash policy | Nichols, Rachel | 9/7/2005 | 1, 10 | No | Recycling program, Facilities Dept., Trash | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Traveling the World: SSU's Study Abroad Program | Cooper, Erin | 9/7/2005 | 8 | No | Travel abroad, Study Abroad program, National Student Exchange Program | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Outdoor Pursuits: Exploring Earth one trip at a time | Newburn, Tori | 9/7/2005 | 9 | Yes | Outdoor Pursuits (ODP), Climbing, King, Heather | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Darwin Hall nearing completion | Willard, Lauren | 9/7/2005 | 1, 10 | Yes | Darwin Hall, Construction, Renovations | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Hoppe Comedy Opens Season | 9/8/1975 | 1 | Yes | ‘The Gospel According to Art Hoppe’, Theatrical production | 1970 | Sonoman | |
College Donates Funds | 9/8/1975 | 3 | Yes | Downing Wagner, CSCS President Marjorie, Fund donation towards purchase of dialysis machine | 1970 | Sonoman | |
Learn Through Experience | 9/8/1975 | 4 | No | Center for Field Experience Education, Community Involvement Program (C.I.P.) | 1970 | Sonoman | |
Modern ballet rocks stage this weekend | 9/8/1976 | 1, 8 | No | Dance performance, Center for the Performing Arts, Modern ballet, "Foresight" | 1970 | Sonoma State Carousel | |
Rocky enrollment stable | 9/8/1976 | 1, 8 | No | Enrollment levels, Budget | 1970 | Sonoma State Carousel | |
Vermillion resigns as SSC Admissions Director | 9/8/1976 | 1 | Yes | Vermillion, Gregory, Director of Admissions | 1970 | Sonoma State Carousel |
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Student Newspaper Index
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