Student Newspaper Index

Over the years, the Sonoma State University's student newspaper has taken many names, seen countless editors and writers, but has always chronicled the important issues and events of the University. The University Archives has indexed the student newspapers. Search here to find articles by titles, subject, or author from any of the iterations of the student newspaper.

To get access to the articles you find, search the Student Newspaper Digital Collection or contact the Library's Special Collections department.

Title Author Date Published Page Photo Subject Decade Title of Publication
Joe Bash, ‘Flustered by SSU’s odd instructors’ Bash, Joe 9/8/1998 4 No Faculty 1990 Sonoma State Star
Noah Alan Pal sentenced for child porn Hecker, Doug 9/8/1998 5 Yes Crimes, Internet, Child pornography, Pal. Noah Alan 1990 Sonoma State Star
New school year marked by 1998 Convocation Smith, Kelly 9/8/1998 5 No convocation 1990 Sonoma State Star
The review is in Farzad, Tanaz 9/8/1998 6 Yes Armiñana, Pres. Ruben (Campus level), Chancellors Office Review, Board of Trustees 1990 Sonoma State Star
SSU computer network battles glitches, hackers Farzad, Tanaz 9/8/1998 7 No Communications, Computers 1990 Sonoma State Star
My teaching obsession Raskin, Jonah 9/8/1998 9 No Communications, Faculty, Raskin, Jonah 1990 Sonoma State Star
Women’s soccer starts strong, 3-0 Miller, Jeff 9/8/1998 10 Yes Women’s soccer 1990 Sonoma State Star
Men’s soccer season underway Miller, Jeff 9/8/1998 11 Yes Athletics, Men’s soccer 1990 Sonoma State Star
ASI focuses on improvements for students Rothe, Sara 9/8/2009 1, 4 Yes Associated Students Incorporated, Enriching environment, Strong support system, Budget cuts 2000 Sonoma State Star
Faculty struggle with less time and equal workload: Budget cuts affect faculty and staff on a personal level Pohlman, Sara 9/8/2009 1, 4 No Budget cuts, Quality of education, Furloughs 2000 Sonoma State Star
Cell phones used to battle budget Call, Tiffany 9/8/2009 1 No Humboldt State campus activism, Budget crisis, Cell Yell campaign 2000 Sonoma State Star
Silence builds up in the fight against the budget [Editorial] [Editorial] 9/8/2009 2 No Silence, Budget cuts 2000 Sonoma State Star
Boycotting undermines students’ hard work [Opinion] Reece, Trevor 9/8/2009 3 No Bookstore boycott, Competition 2000 Sonoma State Star
Recent study shows student borrowing is on the rise McGill, Brendan 9/8/2009 4 No Student borrowing, National Postsecondary Student Aid Study 2000 Sonoma State Star
Health center to offer immunizations for fall: Drop-in Clinic will be held this week to prevent spread of influenza virus and other infectious diseases Hamre, Nick 9/8/2009 5 No Drop-in cllinic, Student Health Center, Swine flu 2000 Sonoma State Star
Telling stories: Art exhibit sheds light on untold Romani history [Entertainment] Halpern, Elijah 9/8/2009 7 Yes Romani holocaust, Stojka, Ceija, University Library Art Gallery 2000 Sonoma State Star
International Studies: The downfall of budget cuts are affecting students new to America Stauffacher, Mira 9/8/2009 9 No Budget cuts, International students 2000 Sonoma State Star
Academic Senate commences first meeting, administration proposes new module for 2010: Faculty senators give budget updates; nearly all oppose a four-day teaching schedule Osborne, Kimmie 9/8/2009 10 No Academic Senate, Budget, Staff and faculty furloughs, Freshman Interest Group 2000 Sonoma State Star
Who will represent us? Resing, Christa 9/9/1976 1 No Student Body Organization 1970 Sonoma State Morning Glory
Enrollment projections ‘hopeful’ Alpert, Irv 9/9/1976 1 No Enrollment 1970 Sonoma State Morning Glory
