Title | Author | Date Published | Page | Photo | Subject | Decade | Title of Publication |
There’s no place like home after graduation [Opinion] | D’Ambra, Gian | 04/29/2014 | 3 | No | Post graduation plans | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Finals: outdated method of testing comprehension [Opinion] | Drinnen, Tyler | 04/29/2014 | 3 | No | Necessity of finals | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
The art of saying no and letting go of toxic people [Opinion] | Lopez, Shyanne | 04/29/2014 | 3 | No | Art of forgiveness and saying “no” | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Greek community rocked by substance abuse incidents | Kleszcz, Megan | 04/29/2014 | 4 | No | Substance abuse poisoning, Greek Life | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Psychology class hopes to implement Restorative Justice | Chacko, Julia | 04/29/2014 | 4 | Yes | Restorative Justice, Intro to Community Mental Health class, Dillier, Lauren, Hoffman-Brown, Cody | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Campus remembers student Ivan Tapia-Solis with candlelight vigil | Scrabis, Amanda | 04/29/2014 | 5 | Yes | Tapia-Solis, Ivan, Vigil | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Bay Area musicians rock Lobo’s | Stachnik, Brandon | 04/29/2014 | 6 | Yes | Day in the Sun, KSUN radio | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
‘Comedy of Errors’ still entertains, delights | Richmeier, Micaelyn | 04/29/2014 | 6 | No | “A Comedy of Errors’ theatrical production | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Staff Spotlight: Scott Horstein | Courtney, Stuart | 04/29/2014 | 8 | Yes | Horstein, Scott, Assistant Professor of playwriting, dramaturgy and contemporary theatre, Theatre Arts & Dance Department | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Culture and heritage celebrated through art of dance | Jambor, Claudia | 04/29/2014 | 9 | Yes | Pacific Culture Night, Filipino-American Association of Sonoma State University (FAASSU) | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Earth Week showcases sustainability | Loufas, Vasilios | 04/29/2014 | 9 | Yes | Earth Week “go green” opportunities, Earth Day | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Seawolf rugby qualifies for Sevens Tournament | Daugherty, Halia | 04/29/2014 | 10 | Yes | Rugby Sports Club | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Club Profile: Triathalon | Viera, Angelica | 04/29/2014 | 10 | Yes | Sonoma State Triathlon Club | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Seawolves sweep Stanislaus in four-game series | Tucker, Jake | 04/29/2014 | 11 | Yes | Baseball, Asmus, George, Gillis, Aaron | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
This week in photos...Pacific Heritage Night | Gibson, Conner | 04/29/2014 | 12 | Yes | Pacific Culture Night, Filipino-American Association (FAASSU) | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Student starts Autism Club at SSU | Linder, Mandela | 04/29/2019 | 1 | No | Clubs, Autism, Autism Club, Disability Services | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
New program offers consent education | Hahn, Will | 04/29/2019 | 1 | Yes | Consent and Respect Education Students, CARES, Sexual violence | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Low turnout in student elections | Chandler, Holly | 04/29/2019 | 1 | No | Associated Students, Student government | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
New sexual assault hearing policy protects the accused [Editorial] | 04/29/2019 | 2 | No | Sexual assault, Sexual violence, Title IX | 2010 | Sonoma State Star | |
Title IX changes incite petition | Bradley, Kaitlyn | 04/29/2019 | 4 | No | Title IX, Sexual assault, Sexual violence | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
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