Title | Author | Date Published | Page | Photo | Subject | Decade | Title of Publication |
Students for Quality Education stir up protestors at rally | Stenzel, Tyler | 05/03/2011 | 1,5 | Yes | Class action protest against budget cuts | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Police Services concerned over bike safety | O’Sullivan, Kinley | 05/03/2011 | 1,5 | Yes | Student awareness of bike safety, “Arrive Alive” | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
SSU updating campus image | Crossen, Scott | 05/03/2011 | 1,5 | No | Two step plan to project a positive campus image | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Registration waitlist is too impersonal [Editorial] | 05/03/2011 | 2 | No | Registration process, Waitlist option | 2010 | Sonoma State Star | |
The history of Salazar Hall [Letters to the Editor] | luttmann, Professor Rick | 05/03/2011 | 2 | No | History of Salazar Hall, Salazar, Ruben | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Disappointed by the lack of ASI presence | Kirschenmann, Stephen | 05/03/2011 | 2 | No | Lack of Associated Students Incorporated (ASI) members at Take Class Action rally | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Remembering Robert Coleman-Senghor, 1940-2011 [Opinion] | Raskin, Faculty Contributor Jonah Raskin | 05/03/2011 | 3 | Yes | Coleman-Senghor, Professor Robert memorial | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
The man we knew as Bob [Opinion] | Spangenburg, Michaela | 05/03/2011 | 3 | No | Coleman-Senghor, Professor Robert tribute | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Relay for Life is an experience to have [Opinion] | Cooley, Michelle | 05/03/2011 | 3 | Yes | Relay for Life fundraising event | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Missing SSU student [The news in Brief] | 05/03/2011 | 4 | No | Missing student Abriel, James | 2010 | Sonoma State Star | |
Ex-Gang member Luis Rodriguez promotes non-violence | Scheeler, Chelsea | 05/03/2011 | 8 | Yes | “An Evening with Luuis Rodriguez”, 2011 heritage Lecture Series, Promotion of a positive community | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Pacific Closing Night marks the end of a successful April | Pierce, Ronald | 05/03/2011 | 8 | Yes | Pacific Closing Night (PCN) celebration, Filipino-American Association of SSU (FA ASSU) | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Greek Olympics heat up over the weekend - Fraternities battle for the title and philanthropy money | 05/03/2011 | 9 | Yes | Second Annual Greek Week | 2010 | Sonoma State Star | |
Shakti Rising continues to grow | Dominguez, Paige | 05/03/2011 | 9 | No | Shakti Rising social change organization | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Bria Gabor, Best Actress | Curzon, Sean | 05/03/2016 | 6 | Yes | Gabor, Bria, 'Roommates' theatrical production | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Phi Delta Theta's 17th annual Teeter-Totter benefits cystic fibrosis for lost brother | Shapiro, Nathan | 05/03/2016 | 8 | Yes | Phi Delta Theta fraternity, Teeter-Totter Cystic Fibrosis fundraiser | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Comedic vulgarity at its finest | Stachnik, Brandon | 05/03/2016 | 9 | Yes | Swardson, Nick, Green Music Center | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
FAASSU celebrates culture through dance | Shipma, Jessica | 05/03/2016 | 9 | No | Pacific Cultural Night, Filipino American Association at Sonoma State University (FAASSU) | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Frisbee's flying high at Sonoma State | Spear, Kristen | 05/03/2016 | 10 | Yes | Ultimate frisbee team | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
Women's water polo finishes third in WWPA | Kelley, Allison | 05/03/2016 | 10 | Yes | Women's water polo team, 2016 Western Water Polo Association Women's Championships | 2010 | Sonoma State Star |
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