Title | Author | Date Published | Page | Photo | Subject | Decade | Title of Publication |
Athlete of the Week: John Sayre | Bolin, Woody | 11/6/2001 | 22 | No | Sayre, John, Soccer | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Gamboa Leads Cossacks to Thrashings of CCAA Rivals Chico, UC Davis | Londos, Chris | 11/6/2001 | 24 | Yes | Volleyball | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Women's Soccer Ends Season with a Loss and a Tie, Will Miss Playoffs | Collins, Don | 11/6/2001 | 24 | Yes | Women's soccer, , , , | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
CSA Lead by Example | Stillman, Jimmy | 11/6/2001 | 1,8 | No | Community Service Advisors (CSA) | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Safety Enforced in Residence Halls | Wetterer, Sandra P. | 11/6/2001 | 1,8 | Yes | Safety, Residence Halls | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Green Music Center Progress Very Slowly | Sisco, Josh | 11/6/2001 | 1, 7 | Yes | Green Music Center | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Greek or Anti-Greek [Opinion] | Bolin, Woody | 11/6/2001 | 4 | No | Greek Life | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Coping with an Unbalanced Life [Opinion] | Amayun, Sarah | 11/6/2001 | 4 | No | Work, Balanced Life | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
The Finest College Tradition [Opinion] | Humphrey, Sam | 11/6/2001 | 4 | No | Drinking | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Yep, I'm on the Five Year Plan [Opinion] | Mays, Tice | 11/6/2001 | 5 | No | Classes, , , , | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
War and Peace Lecture Series Helps Students Understand and be Aware | DiSalvi, Colleen | 11/6/2001 | 12 | No | War and Peace Lecture Series | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
The Uterus Disease [Opinion] | Christensen, Jackie | 11/6/2001 | 5 | No | 2000 | Sonoma State Star | |
New Money Forces Students to go Hungry in Class | Nicholson, Matt | 11/6/2001 | 5 | No | Money | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Semester from Hell made Good [Opinion] | Nehrebecki, Helene | 11/6/2001 | 6 | No | 2000 | Sonoma State Star | |
Flooding devastates Mexican states [Editorial] | Anderson, Jessica | 11/6/2007 | 2 | Yes | Floodwaters, Tabasco and Chiapas, Homelessness, Oil ports , Editorials | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Much closer than Mexico . . . local homelessness is real, painful to one Star reader [Letter to editor] | Anonymous | 11/6/2007 | 2 | No | Homelessness, Sonoma County poverty, Holidays | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Gamma Phi Beta wins 9th annual Powder Puff Football Tournament [Features] | Saenz, Natalie | 11/6/2007 | 8 | Yes | Football, Powder Puff Games | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Lecturers provide insight into Israeli/Palestinian conflict | Barnes, Matt | 11/6/2007 | 10 | Yes | Israel and Palestine, Mughannani, Therese, Sheri, Chuck, Reichek, Laure, Peace activists | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
9/11 eyewitness speaks to Sonoma | Skylar, James | 11/6/2007 | 1, 4 | Yes | Sept. 11, 2001, 9/11 eyewitness, World Trade Center destruction | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Golden Gate Bridge ads rejected | Garrod, Nathanial | 11/6/2007 | 1, 4 | Yes | Golden Gate Bridge, Commuters, Advertising | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
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Student Newspaper Index
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