Title | Author | Date Published | Page | Photo | Subject | Decade | Title of Publication |
Speak Out | Bettiza, Mary | 11/7/1972 | 3 | Yes | McGrath, , President | 1970 | Voice of the Redwoods |
McGovern leads Nixon | Leber, Janice | 11/7/1972 | 3 | No | U.S. Presidential elections, survey | 1970 | Voice of the Redwoods |
Peer Advising Center open | 11/7/1973 | 8 | No | Peer Advising Center | 1970 | Cal State Sonoma Key | |
Student Union plan nears completion | Bekeny, Tom | 11/7/1973 | 1 | No | Student Union, Development, Buildings | 1970 | Cal State Sonoma Key |
"Thumbtack art" displayed in the library | Gail, Robin | 11/7/1973 | 1 | Yes | Art exhibits, Library, Davis, Robert James | 1970 | Cal State Sonoma Key |
Provost accepts new post | 11/7/1973 | 1,5 | Yes | Provost, Martin, Warren Bryan, School of Arts and Sciences, Faculty, Danforth Foundation | 1970 | Cal State Sonoma Key | |
Press access denied to KEY | McCabe, Rick | 11/7/1973 | 2 | No | Student newspapers, Administration, Freedom of the press | 1970 | Cal State Sonoma Key |
Trustee Ritchie on campus | 11/7/1973 | 2 | No | Board of Trustees, Ritchie, C. Stewart (Mrs.), Presidential Selection Advisory Committee | 1970 | Cal State Sonoma Key | |
Quality of education | Moretti, Bob (Assemblyman) | 11/7/1973 | 3 | No | Higher education, State funding, Reagan, Ronald, Governor | 1970 | Cal State Sonoma Key |
Coach Sion believes in the individual | 11/7/1973 | 8 | Yes | Athletics, Faculty, Sion, | 1970 | Cal State Sonoma Key | |
Kortum wins big; dam barely passes | Olson, Karl | 11/7/1974 | 1 | Yes | Second District Supervisor, Growth | 1970 | Sonoma State Morning Glory |
Senate Sizes Up New Grade Inflation Proposal | White, Kory | 11/7/1983 | 1 | Yes | Grade inflation | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Women Capture Soccer Title | Lindner, Rob | 11/7/1983 | 1 | Yes | Women’s Soccer | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
A Perfect Plan [opinion] | Dugan, Barry | 11/7/1983 | 3 | No | Grade Inflation | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
SSU Football: Building For the Future | Goldman, Rob | 11/7/1983 | 7 | Yes | Football | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Measure Controversy | Ross, Jenny | 11/7/1988 | 7 | no | Elections , Nuclear Free Zone, Measure C, Initiative, Sonoma County | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Bones to Pick in Darwin | Brill, Judy | 11/7/1988 | 6 | Yes | Geology Department, Student Project, Mammoth Project, Woodward, Geoff, James, Barry | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Music Co-op Wants helt | Eisenstein, Chana | 11/7/1988 | 9 | no | Music, Music Co-op, XCNTRCX, Staff, Greenspan, Russ | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Jensen Gets a Giraffe | Coggiola, Nichole | 11/7/1988 | 1 | no | Censorship, Project Censored, Giraffe Project, Faculty, Jensen, Carl | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
Stormy Tempest in Ives | Mad Women | 11/7/1988 | 9 | yes | Review , Theatre Arts, Tempest, Shakespeare | 1980 | Sonoma State Star |
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Student Newspaper Index
Over the years, the Sonoma State University's student newspaper has taken many names, seen countless editors and writers, but has always chronicled the important issues and events of the University. The University Archives has indexed the student newspapers. Search here to find articles by titles, subject, or author from any of the iterations of the student newspaper.
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