Student Newspaper Index

Over the years, the Sonoma State University's student newspaper has taken many names, seen countless editors and writers, but has always chronicled the important issues and events of the University. The University Archives has indexed the student newspapers. Search here to find articles by titles, subject, or author from any of the iterations of the student newspaper.

To get access to the articles you find, search the Student Newspaper Digital Collection or contact the Library's Special Collections department.

Title Author Date Published Page Photo Subject Decade Title of Publication
Cossacks take 6 of 7 & sweep pioneers Poer, Tom 5/2/1988 11 No Athletics, Baseball 1980 Sonoma State Star
Saha aces out Ashley McCasland, Doug 5/2/1988 1 No Associated Students (A.S.), Saha, Robin, Ashley, John, Elections 1980 Sonoma State Star
Chemical overdose feared McDonald, Jeffrey 5/2/1988 1 Yes duck pond, chemical treatments, Kjeldsen, Chris, Bond, John 1980 Sonoma State Star
Out of sight, out of mind Clare, Caroline 5/2/1988 1 No Project Censored, news stories, Jensen, Carl 1980 Sonoma State Star
Campaign observations McCasland, Doug 5/2/1988 3 No AS elections, editorial 1980 Sonoma State Star
Drug Testing for Financial Aid Stratford, Steven 5/2/1989 1 no Financial Aid, Drugs, Department of Education 1980 Sonoma State Star
Splinters from the Bench McCracken, Jeff 5/2/1989 14 no Sports 1980 Sonoma State Star
Jazz Groups Take Top Honors Prinz, Fritz 5/2/1989 1 yes Music, Berkeley Jazz Festival 1980 Sonoma State Star
Deadly Debate Editorial 5/2/1989 2 no Death Penalty, Crimes, Salcido, Ramon 1980 Sonoma State Star
Urine for It Editorial 5/2/1989 2 no Financial Aid, Drugs, Department of Education 1980 Sonoma State Star
STARRING…Owen Laws Laws, Owen 5/2/1989 3 no Commentary, Military, Politics, Ware, Jeff 1980 Sonoma State Star
More than a Love Affair Noiré, Pee-Wee 5/2/1989 5 no Entertainment, Wine 1980 Sonoma State Star
What about Oral Sex? Lepley, Sacha 5/2/1989 6 no Student Health, AIDS, STDs, Gardenerella 1980 Sonoma State Star
Debate & Discussion Over Nicaragua Cassel, Matt 5/2/1989 7 no Nicaragua, Central America Conference, White, Tony 1980 Sonoma State Star
Confessions and Critiques Lepley, Sacha 5/2/1989 7 no Nicaragua, Central America, Conference 1980 Sonoma State Star
U.S. Policy of Destruction Bennett, Dylan C. 5/2/1989 8 no Commentary, Nicaragua, Central America 1980 Sonoma State Star
Poet Eshelman visits SSU Thompson, Chip 5/2/1989 9 yes Poetry, Lecture, Eshelman, Clayton 1980 Sonoma State Star
Woodhead Earns Respect Dhesi, Nritkaar 5/2/1989 10 yes Theatre Arts , National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), Dance, Woodhead, Ann 1980 Sonoma State Star
NeXT Step in Computers Gilmer, Cathy 5/2/1989 11 no Computing Services, Computers, NeXT, Resmer, Mark 1980 Sonoma State Star
Fun with Math Wong, Audrey 5/2/1989 12 yes Mathematics Department, Faculty, Chan, Jean 1980 Sonoma State Star
