Student Newspaper Index

Over the years, the Sonoma State University's student newspaper has taken many names, seen countless editors and writers, but has always chronicled the important issues and events of the University. The University Archives has indexed the student newspapers. Search here to find articles by titles, subject, or author from any of the iterations of the student newspaper.

To get access to the articles you find, search the Student Newspaper Digital Collection or contact the Library's Special Collections department.

Title Author Date Published Page Photo Subject Decade Title of Publication
Youtube, a great way to waste valuable time Purcaro, Angela 5/2/2007 7 Yes Youtube 2000 Sonoma State Star
Total freeedom of speech under fire: Protecting public airwaves a greater concern after verbal outburst by CBS’s Don Imus [Sports] Borruso, Pete 5/2/2007 11 Yes Freedom of speech, Imus, Don , First Amendment 2000 Sonoma State Star
Thrice is three times nice: Seawolf golfers Todd, Hopkins and Galvin garner top CCAA honors [Sports] Ma, Scott 5/2/2007 12 Yes Golf, Hopkins, Kyle, Todd, Jarin, Galvin, Chris, California Collegiate Athletic Association (CCAA) 2000 Sonoma State Star
Set sail on a Scholar Ship around the globe Schlossberg, Nicole 5/2/2007 1 No Scholar Ship, Study abroad, Oceangoing campus, Human Resources executives 2000 Sonoma State Star
Garlin set to retire after 37 years Mustaro, Dan 5/2/2007 1, 4 Yes Garlin, Prof. Victor, Retiring, Economics Professor, Reception, Left-leaning 2000 Sonoma State Star
Senator calls for vote of no confidence Anderson, Jessica 5/2/2007 1, 5 No Armiñana, President RubenCampus level), Competence, Referendum 2000 Sonoma State Star
North Light Books changes owners Haikara, Erica 5/2/2007 1, 4 Yes North Light Books, Iannoli, Barbara, Clare, Carolina, Zazzeron, Daniela 2000 Sonoma State Star
Lack of confidence in CSU leadership oozes into SSU politics [Editorial] Abbott, David 5/2/2007 2 No Armiñana, President Ruben(Campus level), Academic Senate, No confidence, Hispanic leaders, Editorials 2000 Sonoma State Star
In the wake of tragedy [Opinion] Herron, Elizabeth 5/2/2007 3 No Herron, Elizabeth, Virginia Tech, Lebresceu, Professor, Beyond fear 2000 Sonoma State Star
Project Censored a good choice [Opinion] Haikara, Erica 5/2/2007 3 No Project Censored, Phillips, Peter, Boreta, Tricia 2000 Sonoma State Star
Take Back the Night draws hundreds of participants Anderson, Jessica 5/2/2007 5 Yes Take Back the Night, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Sexual trauma 2000 Sonoma State Star
Summer workshop highlights chamber music for strings 5/20/1976 3 No Music Department, Chamber music workshop 1970 Cotati Call
See the new observatory 5/20/1976 3 No observatory 1970 Cotati Call
Enterprises board ok’s food service plan Doherty, Barbara 5/20/1976 1 No Food services 1970 Sonoma State Morning Glory
“The Beard” controversy comes to Sonoma Andersen, Cameron 5/20/1976 1 No beards, Maul, Garrick 1970 Sonoma State Morning Glory
Progress and future prospects Dunn, Larry 5/20/1976 13 Child Care Center 1970 Sonoma State Morning Glory
Harper’s Editor for Commencement 5/20/1980 1 No Commencement 1980 Sonoma State Star
Who Is Carter: A Fox or a Hedgehog? Turner, Carol 5/20/1980 1 No Lecture 1980 Sonoma State Star
Child Care [Letters to the Editor] Solkov, LaVerne 5/20/1980 2 No Child care 1980 Sonoma State Star
Child Care Rebuttal [Letters to the Editor] Praetzellis, A. C. 5/20/1980 2 No Child care 1980 Sonoma State Star
