Title | Author | Date Published | Page | Photo | Subject | Decade | Title of Publication |
Graduates get LBJ message | 5/26/1967 | 1 | No | Johnson, Lyndon B., U.S. President , , , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
Publications commission appoints its editors | 5/26/1967 | 1 | No | AS, student media, , , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
Louis Untermeyer will speak at commencement | 5/26/1967 | 1 | No | commencement, Untermeyer, Louis, , , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
‘Good woman’ | 5/26/1967 | 2 | No | drama workshop , Good Woman of Szechuan, , , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
Sonoma State is lily white. Why? | Powell, William | 5/26/1967 | 3 | No | enrollment, racism, , , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes |
Committee names Walker sportsman of the year | 5/26/1967 | 4 | No | Walker, John, athletics, , , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
Goertzen first in tennis tourney | 5/26/1967 | 4 | No | Goertzen, Stan, Tennis, , , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
Sonoma Experience ‘ends for many Fri. | 5/27/1976 | 3 | No | Commencement | 1970 | Cotati Call | |
SSC has new curriculum materials | 5/27/1976 | 4 | No | Library | 1970 | Cotati Call | |
Sonoma State "RATS" [satirical issue] | 5/27/1980 | Student newspaper, Satirical issue | 1980 | Sonoma State Star | |||
CSEA elects Anderson | 5/28/1968 | 4 | No | Anderson, Kermit D. , California State Employees Association (CSEA), , , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
VanRoekel heads workshop | 5/28/1968 | 4 | No | VanRoekel, Byron H. , lectures, , , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
Sorani to Indiana U. | 5/28/1968 | 4 | No | Sorani, Robert, , , , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
Dr. Trussell is NCWIC prexy | 5/28/1968 | 4 | No | Trussell, Ella , Northern California Women’s Intercollegiate Council, , , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
Hansen gets CSESPA post | 5/28/1968 | 1 | No | Hansen, Vernon, California State Colleges Student Presidents Association (CSCSPA), , , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
Kids visit SSC campus | 5/28/1968 | 1 | No | Community involvement , , , , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
New board takes over | 5/28/1968 | 1 | No | AS, , , , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
Spring case | 5/28/1968 | 1, 3 | No | Spring, Gary, , , , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
Senior flute recital today | 5/28/1968 | 1 | No | Dreisback, Valerie, center for performing arts, Seniors, Music, Concerts | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes | |
And fond farewell | Dunham, Geoffrey | 5/28/1968 | 2 | No | AS, faculty, , | 1960 | Sonoma State Steppes |
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Student Newspaper Index
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