Student Newspaper Index

Over the years, the Sonoma State University's student newspaper has taken many names, seen countless editors and writers, but has always chronicled the important issues and events of the University. The University Archives has indexed the student newspapers. Search here to find articles by titles, subject, or author from any of the iterations of the student newspaper.

To get access to the articles you find, search the Student Newspaper Digital Collection or contact the Library's Special Collections department.

Title Author Date Published Page Photo Subject Decade Title of Publication
Volz “puts” herself into Nationals 5/3/1982 12 Yes Volz, Gretchen, Track and Field 1980 Sonoma State Star
SSU seeking move to FWC Hartzog, Jack 5/3/1982 12 No Far Western Conference, Athletics 1980 Sonoma State Star
Calendar changed despite opposition Sandy, Gary 5/3/1982 1 Yes Academic calendar 1980 Sonoma State Star
Computer Science wins final approval Dugan, Barry 5/3/1982 1 No Computer Science 1980 Sonoma State Star
International Studies, bring the world closer Casler, Tom 5/3/1982 3 Yes International Studies program 1980 Sonoma State Star
Health Center: a viable option for medical care McCracken, Maggie 5/3/1982 5 No Student Health Center 1980 Sonoma State Star
Affirmative Action, reaching out to minorities Mitchell, Ann 5/3/1982 8 Yes Affirmative Action 1980 Sonoma State Star
Proposed reservations create controversy Burick, John 5/3/1982 8 No Residential Community 1980 Sonoma State Star
Blankenship/Kellog upset Davis Monroe, Matt 5/3/1992 15 No Women’s Tennis, Alvarez, Cyndi, Cavanaugh, Leslie 1990 Sonoma State Star
Tough week for men’s tennis McDermott, Mary 5/3/1992 15 No Men's Tennis, Timm, Bruce 1990 Sonoma State Star
Ture calls for unity and destruction Bennett, Dylan C. 5/3/1992 1,5 Black student union, Ture, Kwame, Carmichael, Stokely 1990 Sonoma State Star
Tragedy of AIDS {letter to editor} Eisenstein, Chana 5/3/1992 2 No AIDS 1990 Sonoma State Star
Union Misrepresented {letter to editor} Montandon, Asher 5/3/1992 2 No Veronda, Ray, Student union 1990 Sonoma State Star
Education is a privilege {letter to editor} Blue, Richard Robert 5/3/1992 3 No Education, library sit-in, Protests 1990 Sonoma State Star
Tuition fee hike approved Griffin, Jim 5/3/1992 4 No Benevidez, Max, Tuition, Trustees Finance Committee 1990 Sonoma State Star
sit-in helps restore services Quigley, Valerie 5/3/1992 4 No Farish, Don, Harris, Susan, Library , sit-in, Protests 1990 Sonoma State Star
Sculptural Bookworks on display in SSU library 5/3/1992 6 Yes Siberell Hicks, Anne, Library, Exhibit 1990 Sonoma State Star
Students push for Hemp Inititive Lang, Kenneth 5/3/1992 1,10 Yes Students for hemp, Medical marijuana, Petersen, Karin 1990 Sonoma State Star
Mary Lyons to speak at SSU Commencement Montrose, B. 5/3/1992 12,13 No Speaker, Lyons, Mary, Commencement 1990 Sonoma State Star
Foul shooting dooms Cossacks Early, Ed 5/3/1992 14,15 Yes Men’s Basketball, Walker, Dick, Haskins, Barry 1990 Sonoma State Star
