Title | Author | Date Published | Page | Photo | Subject | Decade | Title of Publication |
Inter-Cultural Center opens art gallery | Abell, Erin | 9/23/1997 | 6 | No | Diversity, InterCultural Center (ICC) | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Men’s Soccer falls to Bakersfield, bounces back against College of Notre Dame | Hecker, Doug | 9/23/1997 | 8 | No | Men’s Soccer | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Volleyball club looking for a few good men | Hecker, Doug | 9/23/1997 | 8 | No | Men’s Volleyball club | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Volleyball victorious at home | Jimenez, John | 9/23/1997 | 9 | Yes | Women’s Volleyball | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Women’s soccer returns home with a win and a tie | Wood, Josh | 9/23/1997 | 9 | No | Women’s Soccer | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
Fairfield Osborn clarifications [Letter to the Editor | Warner, Peter | 9/23/1997 | 3 | No | Campus Growth, Fairfield Osborn Preserve | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
VAX accounts remain free [letter to the editor] | Resmer, Mark | 9/23/1997 | 3 | No | Communication, Vax Accounts | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
The SSU housing community increases in population [editoral] | Swain, Jamie | 9/23/1997 | 3 | No | Housing, Residential community | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
JUMP brings community service to life | Wallace, Lori | 9/23/1997 | 4 | Yes | JUMP | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
New scholarships come to SSU | Grundmann, Gavin | 9/23/1997 | 4 | No | Scholarships | 1990 | Sonoma State Star |
University Art Gallerly opens with intriguing display | Heule, Melissa | 9/23/2003 | 1, 10 | Yes | University Art Gallery, Art exhibits, Renunciation: a Requiem, Art installations, Alavi, Seyed | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Financial reserves exhausted | Hunt, Shelby | 9/23/2003 | 1, 10 | No | Budget cuts, Reserve funds, Furukawa-Schlereth, Larry | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
SSU student dies in auto accident | Johnson, Stephanie | 9/23/2003 | 1, 10 | No | Kamby, Lisa, Deaths, Automobile accidents, Hutchins students | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Just get it over with already [editorial] | Stoll, Chris | 9/23/2003 | 2 | No | Gubernatorial recall election | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Interview with AS President Jason Spencer | Ariqat, Rahem | 9/23/2003 | 3 | Yes | Associated Student President, Spencer, Jason | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
[title omitted] | Lister, Jessica | 9/23/2003 | 2 | No | Budget cuts, Funds, , , | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Teacher candidates tested for subject competence | Shisler, Tim | 9/23/2003 | 2 | No | Teacher credentialing, California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET), Education standards legislation | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Loss of funding tough of performing arts | Heule, Melissa | 9/23/2003 | 4 | No | Performing Arts Department, Funds, Budget cuts | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Bamboodha wows bystanders with his "authentic" talent | Dorn, George | 9/23/2003 | 5 | Yes | Music, Performances, Bamboodha, Open Forum, Mario Savio Free Speech Area | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
Costume studio clearance sale | Olivera, Michelle | 9/23/2003 | 5 | Yes | Performing Arts Department, Costume Studio, Fundraisers | 2000 | Sonoma State Star |
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Student Newspaper Index
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