Student Newspaper Index

Over the years, the Sonoma State University's student newspaper has taken many names, seen countless editors and writers, but has always chronicled the important issues and events of the University. The University Archives has indexed the student newspapers. Search here to find articles by titles, subject, or author from any of the iterations of the student newspaper.

To get access to the articles you find, search the Student Newspaper Digital Collection or contact the Library's Special Collections department.

Title Author Date Published Page Photo Subject Decade Title of Publication
Smooth-E takes it home in SF comedy competition Olivera, Michelle 9/23/2003 6 No San Francisco Comedy Competition, Person Theater, Schwartz, Eric, "Smooth-E" 2000 Sonoma State Star
Athlete of the Week : Kellie Campbell 9/23/2003 9 Yes Athlete of the Week, Campbell, Kelly, Women's soccer 2000 Sonoma State Star
A letter from the CSU Chancellor Reed, Charles 9/23/2003 11 No Chancellor, Reed, Charles, Budget crisis, Graduation requirements 2000 Sonoma State Star
Politically charged discussions and artwork part of “It Matters!” Pomicpic, Casey 9/23/2008 1, 4 Yes It Matters, November elections, Voting 2000 Sonoma State Star
Sonoma County going solar Rice, Matt 9/23/2008 1, 10 Yes Solar Sonoma County, Solar America Cities Tour, Sonoma Mountain Village, One Planet Communities program 2000 Sonoma State Star
Alice Bradshaw; Making It Walker, Brian 9/24/1979 8 Yes Entertainment, Dlent, Alice, Bradshaw, Alice, Music 1970 Sonoma State Star
Intimate Theatres Alvarez, Lisa 9/24/1979 8 Yes Entertainment, Cinnabar Theater, Klebe, Marvin, Lincoln Art Center 1970 Sonoma State Star
Footballers Top Foes 9/24/1979 9 No Athletics, Football 1970 Sonoma State Star
New Kickers Spark First Soccer Win 9/24/1979 9 Yes Athletics, Soccer 1970 Sonoma State Star
Women’s Volleyball 9/24/1979 9 No Athletics, Women's Volleyball 1970 Sonoma State Star
Earth matters Maiden, Laurie 9/24/1979 11 No Environment, Center for Rational Environmental Action 1970 Sonoma State Star
Sonoma State Tour Guides Add to Campus and Community 9/24/1979 11 No Campus Tours 1970 Sonoma State Star
Yet Another Case of Lost in Space Mackintosh, Debby 9/24/1979 11 No Women’s Studies, Cluster Schools, Warm Springs Dam project, Village 1970 Sonoma State Star
Bolinas Poet Talks at SSU 9/24/1979 11 No MacAdams, Lewis, Entertainment 1970 Sonoma State Star
Dean Sees 6 Year Course of Study 9/24/1979 1, 12 No Curriculum, Ledbetter, Carl 1970 Sonoma State Star
Key Posts Filled After Big Shakeup 9/24/1979 1 No Staff, Ledbetter, Carl, Tansey, Frank 1970 Sonoma State Star
Welcome to Sonoma, Carl 9/24/1979 1, 12 No Ledbetter, Carl, Diamandopoulos, Peter , Staff, President 1970 Sonoma State Star
Student Gov’t Money Missing 9/24/1979 1, 12 No AS, Fees 1970 Sonoma State Star
Houses Keep Creeping Closer 9/24/1979 1, 12 Yes Development 1970 Sonoma State Star
Who Owns Us? Who Owes Us? 9/24/1979 2 No commentary, Student Projects 1970 Sonoma State Star
