We have a vibrant collection of feature and educational DVDs, videos, CDs, phono recordings, and streaming video and audio.
- Browse DVDs at DVD Central. Our newest arrivals are on display near the entrance. Watch a DVD on the PCs in the Library. Headphones are available to check out from the Information/Check-Out Desk on the 2nd floor.
- We have a huge collection of LPs, including some rare and unusual albums. You can browse our entire LP collection on the 2nd floor of the library, and listen in the listening area on the 2nd floor (check out a key for the record players at the Information/Check-Out Desk). You can also check them out to take home. If you want to search for albums in OneSearch, include the word "phono" in your search.
- Browse some of our streaming collections at AVON: Academic Video, the World Cinema Collection, Filmaker’s Library Online, and Psychotherapy.net. These are only a few of our sources of streaming media; check out our Database A-Z list to find more.
- The library continues to explore options for providing streaming media, but we cannot guarantee that we will be able to provide videos in streaming formats. In many cases, streaming media is prohibitively expensive and may even be completely unavailable for library purchase.