Sonoma Historian Index

The cumulative index to the Sonoma Historian (1962 - 2021), the journal of the Sonoma County Historical Society, was maintained by the Sonoma State University Library Special Collections department for the historical society until the end of 2021, when the historical society ceased print publication of the journal.  

To access the articles you find, search the Sonoma Historian Online.

Title Date Issue Pages
Spring Hill Cemetery 2018 #4 p. 9
Spring Lake, history 2017 #1 pp. 14-15
St. Francis Solano Church 1978 #3 p. 8
Stagecoach days 1991 #2 pp. 9-19
Stagecoach travel 1987 #2 pp. 8-9, 14
Starcross Monastic Community 2019 #2 p. 23
State Historic Landmarks 2003 #3 pp. 15-17
State parks, closure 2012 #3 p. 22
State parks, funding 2012 #1 p. 22
Steam Train, as told by James Brashear 1976 #2 pp. 6-7
Stern, Jesse and Amy 2019 #2 P. 5
Stewarts Point Rancheria 2012 #3 pp. 8-10
Storm Center movie 2003 #1 p. 2
Story, Elwin G., memoirs 1994 #3 pp. 11-13
Story, Elwin G., memoirs 1994 #4 pp. 4-9
Story, Elwin G., memoirs 1995 #1 pp. 10-14
Straubville 2009 #1 pp. 16-17
Strike, Santa Rosa Schools, 1980 2006 #2 pp. 2, 5-19
Stumptown Daze, book 2015 #4 pp. 24-25
Stumptown Yule, 1902 2005 # 4 p. 12
Stunt fliers 2015 #2 pp. 12-13
Sturgeon's Mill 2017 #2 p. 17
Sturgeon's Mill 2020 #1 p. 26
Sturgeon, Wade, on 1906 earthquake 1979 #3 p. 3
Sturgeon’s Mill 1975 #3 p. 2
Sturgeon’s Mill 1988 #2 p. 6-9, 12
Sturgeon’s Mill 2002 # 1 p. 2
Sturgeon’s Mill 2004 # 3 p. 2
Sturgeon’s Mill 2005 # 2 p. 2
Sturgeon’s Mill 2009 #2 pp. 12, 15
Sturgeon’s Mill 2009 #3 p. 13
Sturgeon’s Mill 2013 #2 p. 26
Sturgeon’s Mill video 2002 #2 p. 17
Suffrage 2020 #2 pp. 15-19
Sugarloaf Ridge State Park 2015 #1 pp. 11-17
Sugiyama, Marie 2020 #1 pp. 24-25
Sullivan, Major Isaac of Green Valley 1977 #3 pp. 1, 8-9
Summer Reperatory Theater, Santa Rosa Junior College 2018 #2 p. 20
Sunset Line & Twine 2005 #4 p. 19
Sunset Line and Twine, Petaluma 2019 #2 p. 5
Surveying 2008 #2 p. 14
Sweed, Philip, school 2004 #4 p. 17
Sweed, Philip, school 2005 #1 p. 2
Swift, Grenville and Temelec 1995 #1 pp. 1-9
Swift, Grenville Perry 2012 #2 pp. 26, 28
Swiss-Italian immigrants 2013 #3 p. 20
Swiss-Italian immigrants 2013 #4 p. 13
Title Date Issue Pages
A Taste of the Past 2021 #2 p. 13
A Taste of the Past 2021 #1 p. 17
Talbot, Joe 2012 #3 p. 18
